forum ask my characters something!!
Started by @sortaslightlysentient group

people_alt 63 followers

@sortaslightlysentient group

idk?? QnA for my characters cos i want to flesh them out more!! just ask them anything and i'll respond as them :D

ruth: a snarky bitch who i love to hate
pip: a well-meaning arsehole masquerading as a sweetheart
addy: sweetest woman ever, she deserves the world
jessica: gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss

Deleted user

Okay, some for all of them:
Who do you hate the most and why?
What's teh most annoying thing [insert character does?

@klueekillz group

  • How does Addy and Jessica relate? They have a lot of differences on their personality
  • Does Ruth likes shiny things? Like diamonds or some expensive jewelry