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Started by @squiddicus language

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@Tidermelon group

TROJTROJTROJ: Even if that personal info was grabbed by the digital hands of an entity made completely of digital material, with the potential to paste that in any place anywhere, even into the real world? Right next to you, for example?
TROJTROJTROJ: Oooooor into the hands of the creepy old guy who’s been internet staaaalking youuuuu~

@requiemisback language

Kit is typing…

Kit: i seriously couldn't care less who does what
Kit: i just need something interesting to happen.
Kit: also that first option was oddly specific there my guy

@Tidermelon group

TROJTROJTROJ: Well, let’s just say that the internet’s got a lot of unexpected qualities and also digital sentient data beings. :) :) :)

@Tidermelon group


TROJTROJTROJ: Yeah, all that stuff is too boring for me.
TROJTROJTROJ: I’ve already checked it all out and it stinks. Why would you want to learn about teeth? They exist, so what? It’s not as fascinating as, say, people, for example.

@requiemisback language

Kit is typing…

Kit: fair point
Kit: i wish i could quit my job as a dental assistant but like
Kit: we don't actually do dental stuff at the place i work so that's a plus
Kit: in fact, the place i work barely involves dentistry unless you count our whole "happy smiles" jig we have going on

@requiemisback language

Kit is typing…

Kit: no but damn if they aren't close enough in terms of the vibes they give off
Kit: my boss' name is Habit
Kit: fun fact: Habit didn't wanna be a dentist. he actually wanted to be a florist
Kit: he made this VERY clear when i started working under him

@requiemisback language

Kit is typing…

Kit: something about how his parents wanted him to be a dentist and how sad people hog all the good teeth or at least something around those lines
Kit: i myself am not really sure, he sped through his backstory when he was telling it to me
Kit: he went past confusing details so quickly sometimes i couldn't even understand what he was saying

@requiemisback language

Kit is typing…

Kit: yeah, i suppose i should've tried that
Kit: i guess with all the new Habiticians coming in i haven't had time to discuss things with him in that regard

@requiemisback language

Kit is typing…

Kit: oh dear, i guess i should explain
Kit: i work at this place called the Habitat run by my boss Dr. Habit
Kit: he eventually started calling the people there "Habiticians" for some reason
Kit: i don't know the exact reason for it, but it's easier for me to call the folks in the Habitat "Habiticians" rather than remembering their names since we have like 22 Habiticians there at a time

@requiemisback language

Kit is typing…

Kit: literally anything. the whole goal of the place is to make the Habiticians happy via a thing the Doc calls "The Big Event."
Kit: it hasn't come yet, but it's soon. Habit has said a lot of things about that event… and all of what he said seems too ominous to be a lie.
Kit: apparently Martha plays a big role in it. you may not know her though.

@requiemisback language

Kit is typing…

Kit: oh
Kit: well, i don't really know how to explain who Martha is directly without it sounding weird
Kit: let's just say she's… all smiles. quite literally so.

@requiemisback language

Kit is typing…

Kit: unsure what "bob ross style" means in this situation
Kit: but off the record, Martha is literally a smile
Kit: just… a huge pair o' lips curved into a smile
Kit: let your imaginations map out the rest

@Tidermelon group


TROJTROJTROJ has stopped typing.


TROJTROJTROJ: I can’t even talk to you anymore. I’m offended. That’s depresso espresso.