Following 17 worldbuilders

HEYO I'm one of the older people here, back from the dead after a solid year!

Good day to you from across the pond. Just your local Brit doing what writers do. 22, any and all pronouns, and I am a massive fan of pro...

I'd like to get one thing straight: I do not do Bad Science because it is bad. Getting queerer by the day. My biggest and only flex is th...

Casino. Just Casino. (+7 GMT)

16 years old | they/them | i have t o n s more ocs trust me

"i'm getting motivation from giorno's tits" - salem, 2021 matching with @oliver___!

hehe [epic lipbite] hey babygirl whatchu doin' in a place like ACK [walks right into a stop sign] ENTJ-A, 8w7, they/she, rambunctious ...

hello tis i the mythical squid!! (she/her) from the faraway land of england. obsessed with Star Wars and sharks, (combined???). hopefu...

I'm a dumb stupid idiot moron bitch loser and I'm a huge butch he/him lesbian who makes music and kins JFK from clone high. If you think ...