forum What’s the saddest thing your character has ever had to experience?
Started by @QUABSTIX group

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Angst is my favorite genre :) I know that kinda sounds strange but- its just so much more heart wrenching that any other! I love it…anyway, what kinda sad stuff have you put your characters through?

Cody: while fighting their way through a group of supernatural creatures, he basically witnesses Jomei- Cody’s boyfriend- get gutted by a griffin. It’s talons slash into Jomei’s stomach, making the death very painful and messy.

Odin: While on a Mission, Odin looses radio signal with his ‘partner’ Cal and frantically fights his way through the enemy base until…he finds him. Cal, dressed in the enemy’s outfit, greets him with a sinister smile. Alex, Cal’a you get brother and Odin’s best friend, is slumped up against the wall- dead. Odin- too shocked/heart broken by the sudden betrayal, fails to notice Cal pointing a gun at his chest before it’s too late and- he gets shot dead.

Cal: During a mission, he gets compromised by the enemy. His brother meets him in the final room and, before either of them could think, Cal unwillingly shoots Alex in the chest- and then continues to shoot until the body is no longer moving. Cal never makes a sound, no matter how much he wants to cry and scream, but a smile forces its way into his face. When Odin enters the room, Cal fights to free himself from whatever control is placed on him. He fails, and shoots Odin dead. And- for the first time in two hours- Cal’s first act of control is to cry.


Ayyyyy fellow angst buddy :D
Angst really is a good genre
The only one I can think off the top of my head is this one

Tw: Contains an abusive relationship

Taylor (I’m making it brief because I don’t want to accidentally trigger people): is trapped in a nonconsensual ‘relationship’ for 4-5 years that essentially consists of all three main types of abuse. Taylor’s a minor when it all happens, the other guy is not. Taylor eventually murders his abuser while he’s asleep.

(I might elaborate on this more later if I figure out how to do the spoiler thing so I can hide the message if people don’t want to see it)

Deleted user

Oh! Kip poured acid on their future crush's face and suffered multiple wounds from abusive family! They've got cigarette burns on their face!

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

I went all-out with Mike's backstory since he grew up during a war that led to the collapse of his country. Info dump incoming ^^; (TW for mentions of unhealthy relationships and suicide)
He grew up poor and living with his older sister, his single mom and his grandparents. His dad ran off when he was two. When he was six, the war started and they tried to evacuate to the next country over, but they got left behind by the rescue teams so they had to travel by car and then eventually by foot. They got stuck in an abandoned farm behind enemy lines for several years, waiting for a chance to slip through. In that time, when Mike was about ten, his mom cracked under the pressure and ran off as well, convinced that she'd be able to find her missing husband. They never saw her again. Through complicated stuff, Mike's sister got lowkey blamed for her mom's disappearance and was never the same.
A few years later, Mike came back from a hunting trip to find that a monster was attacking the farm and had killed his grandfather (who Mike had a very close relationship with and had sort of thought was unkillable). His grandfather's last words were to impart responsibility for the safety of the family onto Mike, who had to find the monster and kill it before it killed his sister or grandmother. They were all traumatized by this obviously, but Mike's sister especially, and she became even more temperamental and apathetic. They all knew they couldn't survive out here any more, and made one last break for the border. This time they made it close enough to be rescued, but during the grueling journey, Mike's grandmother got sick and also died.
OH I forgot about the dog! They also adopted a stray dog named Becky right after Mike's mom left. She is a rock in the family and Mike sort of sees her as a second mom after a while. Mike's sister never really took to her though.
They were adopted by their great aunt and uncle who were very nice and enrolled them in a school for refugees who were behind in their schooling. Mike made a couple friends, settled in, almost enjoyed himself for a few years. His sister, however, finally had an outlet for her rebellious, angry streak and started hanging out with a bad crowd and dating recklessly. She even became mean to Mike, bullying him and avoiding him. She met a cruel, manipulative guy and got stuck with him.

Mike finally snapped. He tracked down her "boyfriend" and beat him almost to death, then took his dog and ran before the law could come down on him. He went back to his home country and wandered there for years, barely speaking or interacting with other humans at all, unless is was in a fight for survival. He became pretty much a cold killing machine at this point, and all he wanted to do was go back to the farm where he'd had at least a few good memories. When he got there, he found that it had burned down years ago. Also his dog was quite old by this time and finally died, the very day he reached his destination. Now he really was alone.
(This is obviously not the end of the story, but after this things start to get a bit happier and we're here for the angst X'D)


Rig was a slave for almost his entire childhood, and when he was 8, he was part of a group that was planning on escaping. However, they got found out, and they were threatened with death via burning whale fat unless the ring-leader confessed. They were promised mercy if they did, but when they fell for it, their owners ordered the guards to throw them all into the oil vats. One other slave grabbed Rig and ran, though she was shot to death shortly after. Rig was the only survivor, and to this day, is uncomfy around fire, and cannot eat fried food.

But probably the saddest thing that ever happened to him was his father-figure's death. Shukk was sick for a long time, watching his tribe die one by one as they struggled to find a cure, but he refused to succumb to his own illness until all the last traces of the sickness was wiped from his tribe. Only then did he pass away, which was a major blow to all of his tribe.

Deleted user

TW for physical and verbal abuse and mention of suicide.

All I got for now. Pretty much all my children have such tragic moments in their life.

@ccb group

her trauma is pretty straightforward, the rest of my kids have either had too much happen to them to write it all here or it's just too… brain

@kingnocedas group

sexual assault, abuse, and suicide tw

Deleted user

TW mentions of sexual assault and self harm

@kiley_arrants Premium Supporter

I don't know if any of this could be triggering or not, but I just felt I should put a warning for alchohlism, depression, brutality (whippings) and loss of family members.

@zmsink group

I know this is short, but it's about my mc, Bellance, in a dystopian story.
The hardest thing she's ever had to go through was loosing her family. She lived in a government controlled world, and after the disasters, she never found her parents or oldest sibling. She had to make the choice to leave with her little brother and find a place to stay safe, while finding and leading a group of teenagers to safety with no experience. She became the leader and took responsibility for about 24 people even though she didn't know how to lead and was still grieving her family.

@jeweleopard group

One of my characters inherited a resistance to fire from her grandmother, but none of the rest of her family did. Her family's house burned down when she was 10, and her whole family was inside. She was the only one who survived.

@Dinosore19 group

Vincent: Realized far too late in his life that he cannot become a Vita Mage (magical doctor) due to his poor magic reservoir. He studied for years and years, and honed his skills to the absolute limit until he truly couldn't anymore. His poor healing skills nearly killed a child (could not close a fatal wound) and he was forced to let go of his dream career, even though he did everything he possibly could to excel in the field.

Crefus: Tore out one of his horns in a failed attempt at suicide. His parent, Sam, broke into his room and stopped him. They held him in their arms as he cried himself to sleep.

Elizabeth: Round ten years old. She received a package to her home filled with the remains of her teenage brother. He had been murdered by a gang and they sent his family the remains as a warning. She loved him dearly and this made the situation at the already abusive household worse.

Jess: Around nine. She was a homeless child surviving as best as she could in the forest. She has uncontrollable bouts of electricity that shoot out of her body when she conveys emotion. She was not fully aware of this and went to go get a drink of water from a pond. While she was drinking, she saw a beautiful bird fly over the trees, and smiled. The pond was immediately electrocuted, including the animals surrounding it who were drinking with her. Everything dropped dead. She couldn't cry.

Hecate: Not only is it a spoiler, but there's too many.

Sam: Watched helplessly as their best friend was executed via burning at the stake while cradling her infant son in their arm.

I have several more characters so I will end it here.

@LiteralCyborg group

TW: Verbal and physical abuse, depression, suicidal thoughts, death, and lot of fire and explosions.

Minnie has been through a lot. After police were called to the scene of what looked like a massive bombing, they found eight-year-old Minnie curled up outside the building, covered in bruises and scars, but no fresh burns. Minnie suffered from amnesia after that, reportedly caused by head trauma from the explosion. She was sent onto the foster care system with no idea who she was and made to fend for herself after she was placed in three different abusive households (the first two were verbally and emotionally abusive, the last one was physically abusive) and she's in her fourth foster home with neglectful guardians when the story starts.

Minnie's powers are revealed to her at age 15 when puberty forces her enhanced metabolism into overdrive, leaving Minnie to slowly starve. Minnie's foster parents gave her nothing beyond what they thought were the bare minimum to both her and her foster sister, Hope, so she resorted to stealing food when the hunger got too dangerous. The first time she tried to steal something, another person in the gas station noticed her and called her out. In pure panic, Minnie "went off" for the fist time.

Minnie's powers allow her to summon sparks, start fires, or simply cause an explosion around her. Her powers are also heavily influenced by her emotions. So, when she had that moment of terror, she ended up unintentionally demolishing the gas station, burning it to the ground. Luckily, there were only two other people in the store, and they had ducked behind a counter for cover. They were left injured, but alive.

This incident sends Minnie into a depressive spiral. She was disgusted with herself for hurting those people and terrified of what she could do to others. She withdrew herself from her already failing social life. Eventually she realizes something; she still needs to steal food.

This starts Minnie down the path of a villain. She steals what she can and goes off when caught, though never on purpose. She nearly destroys herself trying to find a way to control her powers, but barely makes progress. She still loathes herself, but manages to convince herself that her actions were necessary and closes off her emotions in order to protect herself from the guilt. This goes on for months. Footage is released of a figure in all black walking away from many explosions unharmed. The public rakes to calling the mystery villain "Gunpowder".

One day, when she gets caught, three police officers manage to grab her and try to restrain her. When she goes off, they're each in direct line of the blast. One is pronounced dead on the way to the hospital, one is left in a coma, and one barely survives having their leg amputated. Minnie will never forgive herself for this. The guilt she'd been holding back comes up at full force.

At this point, the government decides to send in one of their own. Enter Captain Halo, also known as Arthur Colt, Detroit's protector and superhero for the last 15 years or so. Arthur tracks her down and finds her in her broken, emotional state. They fight, but once Arthur has her pinned, Minnie gives up and tells him to kill her. Arthur refuses to kill her, at least not without knowing her identity, and is horrified to find that not only had a kid caused all that destruction, but that he had fought a child and that she had asked him to kill her.

Things get better after this, as Arthur goes against his orders and chooses to take Minnie in, eventually becoming a father to her.


so my universe is a little different than others, it isn't really a universe, more of a land. but that's a different story. my story LIVES off of angst. so i just wanted to share that my character's worst experience was discovering that their friends, the thing that is keeping them alive, their happiness, was all just a dream. a lie. all of it. i don't really know what else to add, this story is in it's early development-

@XGrayvee language

TW- Abusive Relationship / Murder / Homophobia

My character Akio has an extremely abusive and alcoholic father. He had to watch as his father brutally beat his mother to death and not get charged with anything. Akio is also gay and has a boyfriend (Mekhi) that his father doesnt know about. Akio is constantly in fear of being outed because his father is extremely homophobic as well. Akio has specific rules that he can not break or he will be beaten and placed in a room without food for a day. His story is gut-wrenching and I try my best to make it realistic. I hope to use his story to help bring awarness to people who are suffering in situations like this.

If anyone here is being abused in any way, I am so sorry that you have to go through this. Trust me, you are not alone and you are loved. I hope you get through it and go on to live your best life. <3

@Rabbi_Arsonist group

Milaka: Running from her home/fox family dying

Levi: losing his mother while nearly drowning

Lisha: She can't remember :/

Abree: Her as a child

Loki: Waking up only to see that he killed his own family.