info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?


Description - How would you describe ABOVE & BEYOND?

Above & Beyond is a group set in 2025, focused around the city of Olympus and following supers from all walks of life. It explores a more advanced modern society where the Library of Alexandria was never destroyed.

Official Excerpt;
"Olympus is located in an alternate universe to our own where the Library of Alexandria was never burned down and, as a result, humanity progressed faster. Culturally, it is similar to our own, but the technology is incredibly advanced by comparison to our own (albeit warp-based space travel has not yet been achieved). Robots are commonplace, mutants exist, and aliens can occasionally be found hiding amongst the citizens. Also, superpowers exist. That’s sort of a big one."

Genre - What genre best describes ABOVE & BEYOND?


date_range History
gavel Rules
edit Notes
  • person Owner
  • person Theron Mercer

    Created universe about 5 years ago

  • group_add Contributors
  • person Pepyogurt

    Invited about 5 years ago

  • person Jo

    Invited about 5 years ago

  • person Sushi

    Invited about 5 years ago

  • person L

    Invited about 5 years ago

This universe contains...
9 locations reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain Arlasgo [...] The mobile city V was raised in - Arlasgo - was originally one of many war rigs designed to carry massive amounts of foot soldiers, supplies, and weapons across the surface of the planet. Aft...
terrain The Underground, Olympus The Underground is home to the shadier denizens and activities of Olympus, as well as the faction of the same name. While it is indeed the headquarters of the Underground faction, it is essentially...
terrain Seattle A technological hub of the West Coast, yet much smaller than Olympus, CA. Center of many medical related advancements. Currently known for breakthrough research on pharmaceuticals, and newer studie...
terrain Olympus Above & Beyond takes places in the year 2025, mainly concentrated in a city located on the coast of Southern California called Olympus. While supers can be found all over the world, Olympus is the ...
terrain Michigan, U.S.A Something something Canada
terrain Pyak-Tali
terrain Tokyo, Japan
terrain Washington, U.S.A
terrain California, U.S.A

2 items reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events Hozari Scythe The weapon of [[Character-1131808]] 's choice.
emoji_events Hatsune Miku Key-chain [Steel] Hatsune Miku is here!! She is made of metal. This keychain is one of a kind!! It conducts electricity in the event that you need to redirect an electric current.

8 groups reorder
wc Groups close
wc The Embassy A ring of smugglers, pirates, brokers, and other questionable individuals spanning the Local Interstellar Cluster and beyond. They are spread wide across the Milky Way, but are more heavily concent...
wc The Platinum Scavengers The Platinum Scavengers are a group ultimately dedicated to the eradication of synthetic beings, as well as any integration of technology with organic beings.
wc The Crimson Wolves The Crimson Wolves are a subgroup of the organization commonly known as The Platinum Scavengers, the latter being dedicated to the stripping down and eradication of synthetic beings. The Wolves...
wc Yagami-Kai Meaning "Eight God Society", the Yagami-Kai is a now-disbanded Yakuza clan that originated in Japan and used to have universal connections, mainly in white-collar crime and technological involvemen...
wc Humanist Research Foundation [HRF] Privately owned medical/pharmaceutical research foundation. Provides resources to hospitals and clinics of major cities. Funds breakthrough research in regenerative healing and age extending medica...
wc The Al'jhe bahk Tsu The Al'jhe bahk T'su, roughly translating to [TBD], is a faction of aliens committed to fixing up their ship, the Karnacra, and leaving Earth. The repairs needed are extensive. In the meantime, the...
wc The Khans Named after the historical conqueror Genghis Khan, the Khans are essentially the villain’s version of the Guardian Syndicate. While some villains turn their nose up at disgust at the thought of coo...
wc Hands of Divinity

5 magics reorder
flash_on Magics close
flash_on Ferrokinesis User is able to control metals whether it be by making it, shaping it, or manipulating it.
flash_on Bionic Physiology The user either is or can transform into a machine, including a robot, cyborg, android, weapon, etc.
flash_on Laser Generation The user can generate lasers of any color, size, and intensity.
flash_on F2U
flash_on Electrokinesis

2 planets reorder
public Planets close
public Helio-5
public Vanyiik - barren planet - not much fauna - flora are plentiful below the surface - freezing temps down there, while the surface is a bit toasty - underground labyrinth of cities and cave networks

This universe was created by Theron Mercer on with 4 contributors.

See more from Theron Mercer
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