info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

Fantasy Murder Mystery

Description - How would you describe Fantasy Murder Mystery?

Our world, just with creatures like, vampires, fox spirites/demons, werewolves, etc. exist.

Genre - What genre best describes Fantasy Murder Mystery?

Murder Mystery


Going to be a collection of stories from a group of Supernaturals that work at a Supernatural Police Department.




Fantasy Murder Mystery

date_range History
History - What is Fantasy Murder Mystery’s history?

In fact humans, scared of what they didn’t understand tried to destroy all supernaturals. The supernaturals hid from the humans. This worked until the 1900s came. Human technology was advancing rapidly; too quickly for the supernaturals to stay hidden. They came out in hopes that the humans wouldn’t kill them. Humans were surprised that the myths and legends they told each other about were true in the end.

Origin - How did Fantasy Murder Mystery originate?

How was Earth made?!?!

gavel Rules
Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in Fantasy Murder Mystery?

It's a mix of science and magical physics.

Magic System - What is the magic system like in Fantasy Murder Mystery?

There is magic.

Technology - What is the level of technology like in Fantasy Murder Mystery?

It's takes place in the modern world.

edit Notes


Inspiration - What were your major sources of inspiration for Fantasy Murder Mystery?


This universe contains...
9 locations reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain Long Lake Grounds N/A
terrain Eastport Landing N/A
terrain Mistwood Gardens All around you goats and cows gently grazed and ran in the windy pastures, and burrowing its way through and around the many fields ran a mossy, cobblestone road. The road eventually reached a tre...
terrain The Hopeless Crevice A cliff near the city of [[Town-19769]] .
terrain ? N/A
terrain ? N/A
terrain North Pacific The largest and deepest of Earth's oceanic divisions. It extends from the Arctic Ocean in the north to the Southern Ocean (or, depending on definition, to Antarctica) in the south.
terrain Thick Ash Forest The forest was modest, dense, and young. Its canopy was marked by sequoia, willow, and linden, who permittee ample, shimmering lights to descend for colorful saplings to reign the moss covered grou...
terrain Hermite Crab Coatline A beautiful beach in the New England area of USA.

2 items reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events Spring Green Akagive N/A
emoji_events Telepathy Trap The trap resonates at a high-pitched frequency audible only to creatures that communicate via telepathy.

18 buildings reorder
business Buildings close
business The Pears This enormous house looks a bit old-fashioned and is in good condition. The interior is done in colors that remind you of a garden. The yard is enormous and resembles a meadow.
business ?
business Teatime Coffee Shop A cute little corner coffee shop.
business Pargeway SPD
business Kitsune's House This large house looks like an old japanese castle and is in average condition. The interior is done in warm colors. The yard is moderately-sized and is neatly-trimmed.
business Evangeline's House This large house looks like an old castle and is in average condition. The interior is done in wintery colors. The yard is small and looks very formal.
business Marlin's House This moderately-sized house almost looks aquatic and is in good condition. The interior is done in wintery colors. The yard is small and looks very formal.
business Hollyvale House This moderately-sized house looks a bit old-fashioned and is in poor condition. The interior is done in nautical colors. The yard is large and looks very formal.
business Elm House This moderately-sized house looks a bit old-fashioned and is in terrible condition. The interior is done in dark colors. The yard is moderately-sized and looks very formal.
business Yayai's House This moderately-sized house looks fairly modern and is in poor condition. The interior is done in colors that remind you of a coffee shop. The yard is moderately-sized and looks very formal.
business Rock's House This small house has a fairytale-like look to it and is in average condition. The interior is done in colors that remind you of a cloudy sky. The yard is tiny and is overgrown with wild plants.
business Khes's House This small house has a fairytale-like look to it and is in average condition. The interior is done in colors that reminds you of a temperate forest. The yard is enormous and resembles a meadow. Als...
business Shannon's House This small house has a quaint atmosphere and is in poor condition. The interior is done in colors that remind you of a beautiful sunset. The yard is large and resembles a meadow.
business Jand's House This small house has a rustic look to it and is in poor condition. The interior is done in cool colors. The yard is large and is overgrown with wild plants.
business Merrill's House This small house looks a bit old-fashioned and is in good condition. The interior is done in color that reminds you of a plum tree. The yard is small and resembles a meadow. Also, rumor has it an o...
business ? N/A
business ?
business (Shop)? N/A

27 conditions reorder
bubble_chart Conditions close
bubble_chart Wild Growth Hex Hexing your enemies causes them to be ensnared in tangling vines.
bubble_chart Animal N/A
bubble_chart Verdant Growth At 1st level, you gain fast healing 1 while bloodraging. Your fast healing increases by 1 at 4th level and every 3 levels thereafter, to a maximum of fast healing 6 at 19th level. If you have a blo...
bubble_chart Reactive Reversion You can reactively change back to your natural form. You can shift from your alternate form to your natural form as an immediate action using change shape.
bubble_chart Paranoia An intense, irrational, persistent instinct or thought process of fearful feelings and thoughts.
bubble_chart Psychosis Psychosis is a mental health problem that causes people to perceive or interpret things differently from those around them. This might involve hallucinations or delusions.
bubble_chart Crashing Wave Buffet You disorient your opponents by pushing and pounding them mercilessly, just like how the sea beats relentlessly against the rocks.
bubble_chart Deep Diver You are accustomed to diving deeper than most would dare swim and can do so with less risk of drowning than even other experienced swimmers.
bubble_chart Earth Magic You can draw raw magical energy from the ground to empower your spells.
bubble_chart Expert Explorer You are trained to seek out the unknown places of the wild and can explore more efficiently than your untrained rivals.
bubble_chart Extended Animal Focus You can assume the aspects of an animal for longer stretches of time than most of your rivals and allies.
bubble_chart Fey Performance The wind, trees, earth, and local wildlife join in on your bardic performances.
bubble_chart Moontouched Moonlight has a strange effect on you, making your body stronger but your mind weaker.
bubble_chart One With The Land Your connection your favored terrain is so intense that you draw strength from the power of nature itself.
bubble_chart Shifter's Rush You can use you wild shape ability as you are moving toward your enemy.
bubble_chart Wild Vigor The forces of nature bolster your vitality when you use wild shape.
bubble_chart Wilding Mind You can repress your conscious mind in favor of a primal state that helps you resist mental influence.
bubble_chart Wolf Style While in this style, you hamper foes that turn their backs on you.
bubble_chart Flighty Some gathlains are too easily distracted to miss anything going on around them. They gain Perception as a class skill and gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against patterns and effects that c...
bubble_chart Raging Vitality N/A
bubble_chart Stoking the Embers At 9th level, a flamewarden can fan the last spark of a recently slain creature's life force back into a full flame. Once per day as a standard action, a flamewarden can touch the corpse of a creat...
bubble_chart Wild Empathy An aerie protector gains a +4 bonus on wild empathy checks on flying animals, but they take a -4 penalty on checks on other animals. This alters wild empathy.
bubble_chart Wild Shape An aerie protector gains this ability at 6th level, except their effective druid level is their druid level - 2. If they take on the form of a flying animal, they instead use their druid level + 2.
bubble_chart Naive N/A
bubble_chart Selfish
bubble_chart Rebellious
bubble_chart Choose One N/A

30 creatures reorder
pets Creatures close
pets Owl A nocturnal bird of prey.
pets ? N/A
pets Darklord Final
pets Thief
pets Ground
pets Golem N/A
pets Rat Pixel N/A
pets Tourmagrove N/A
pets Mimic N/A
pets Imp N/A
pets Hell Hound N/A
pets Hornet A large stinging wasp that typically nests in hollow trees.
pets Merman A merman that lives in a river.
pets Elven Goelm N/A
pets Planetar Angel Muscular, bald and tall, this humanoid creature has emerald skin and two pairs of shining, white-feathered wings.
pets Cyclops A single huge eye stares from the forehead of this nine-foot-tall giant. Below this sole orb, an even larger mouth gapes like a cave.
pets Cloaker N/A
pets Scorpion Knight
pets Chimera A creature made of magic and alchemy.
pets Violin Angel An angel playing the violin.
pets Golem A construct of rock and dirt.
pets Byakko N/A
pets Sword Slime A slime that has learned how to use swords.
pets Snake Pixel N/A
pets Drakee N/A
pets Mage N/A
pets Cleric N/A
pets Knight N/A
pets Old Slime N/A
pets ?

3 floras reorder
eco Floras close
eco Nepenthe This foot-tall blue-green pitcher plant produces a pollen that smells faintly of mint and lures insects and even small vertebrates toward its dangerous mouth.
eco Stika Spruce N/A
eco Forget-Me-Not Forget-me-nots are one of the few plants that can boast a true-blue color.

This universe was created by SapphireMoondancer on

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