info Overview
Name - What's the name of this town?


Description - How would you describe Pallavicini?

Wealthy coastal city

folder_open Layout
Buildings - What buildings are in Pallavicini?

Bellessa Palace, Sea Temple, Seastar Docks,

Landmarks - What landmarks are in Pallavicini?

Blushing Beach- where the Blushing river enters the Maltan sea creating a pink sand beach. Beyond the beach are the pink oyster farms.
White Tower- tallest tower of the castle and highest point in the city.

Main roads - What main roads are there in Pallavicini?

Coastal road comes from the east into the east gate.
Forest road comes from the north into the north gate.
Dorrea road goes from the west gate to Dorrea Keep.
Weaver street goes from the castle to the west.
Palace road goes from the North gate to the castle.
Chapel road goes from the Palace south to the Sea Temple.
Tower lane goes east from the White tower.

Busy areas - What are the busiest areas of Pallavicini?

Beaches, Sea Temple, Grand Bazaar at Pearl Square, North gate, East gate.

Neighborhoods - What are the neighborhoods in Pallavicini, and how do they differ?

Silkside is between Weaver street and the Sea temple. This is where the wealthiest live.
Weaverville is north of Weaver street.
Navy Town is around the docks between Chapel road and Tower Lane.
Lemon Heights is between Palace road and Tower road.

face Culture
Laws - What are the major laws in Pallavicini?

Usual be nice. Don't cheat.

Sports - What sports are popular in Pallavicini?

canoe racing. horsemanship. swimming. javalin

Politics - What are the politics like in Pallavicini?

very egalitarian, High Prince Daylin tries to distribute wealth. Recently because of Queen Sabiya he is getting a large influx of poor from Madhya and he's finding it hard to keep up with the newcomers.

date_range History
Founding story - How was Pallavicini founded?

It seems there has always been a village here. Good fishing, pearls, Blushing river for water and power. Bellessa Palace used to be the winter castle of the Oxyrian Kings and Queens.

edit Notes
autorenew Sustainability
Food sources - Where does Pallavicini get their food from?

There are gardens all around the city, maintained by the castle. Outside the walls are palace-owned farms. people tend to have gardens and keep chickens, goat. Fishing is big, as are fresh oysters.

Energy sources - Where does Pallavicini get their energy from?

water, animal, human

Recycling - How are objects reused or recycled in Pallavicini?

Most objects are made of biodegradable materials. Pottery, glass, metal recycled by makers.

Waste - How much waste is produced in Pallavicini?

human waste is carried via underground pipes out of the city to well-maintained charcoal, sand, and gravel filtering ponds before being dumped into the sea.

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