info Overview
Name - What is SeaWing named?


face Looks
Body shape - What does the average SeaWing body shape look like?

Somewhat stubby and beefy; long tails for swimming; webbed talons; thicc, not as thicc as MudWings though;

Skin colors - What skin color(s) are common on the SeaWing race?

Green, blue, white, gray, pink.

Typical clothing - What kind of clothing is common with SeaWing individuals?


fingerprint Traits
Strengths - What are the strengths of SeaWing?




groups Culture
Famous figures

Albatross, Fathom, Queen Coral, Princess Anemone, Princess Tsunami,

Traditions - What traditions are common with SeaWing's individuals?

I don't remember

Technologies - What kinds of technologies do the SeaWing societies take advantage of?

Animus magic

Favorite foods - What are the most common favorite foods of the SeaWing?


date_range History
Notable events - What events are most important to the history of SeaWing?

The Great SeaWing Massacre
The Assassination of Queen Coral's Daughters
The Destruction of the Summer Palace

edit Notes

They have politics.

Character chevron_right Linked Races link linked SeaWing

This race was created by The Painted Wings on

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