info Overview
Name - What is Elf named?


Other names - What other names do Elf have?

Rattus, Knife-Ears, Slant-Ears, Rabbit

Description - How would you describe Elf's people?

Elves are a race typically shorter than humans, with slender bodies and pointy ears. The elves once were the dominant race in Thedas, but after centuries of battles with the other races, they have fallen and lost much of their culture, heritage, and identity.
Since then, the elves have separated into two distinct groups: the Dalish, who chose to lead nomadic lives and strive to keep elven culture alive rather than submit, and the city elves, who live alongside humans, usually as impoverished outcasts, and have adopted many human customs. Overall, the elves are now a people associated with poverty, crime, barbarism, and are often used as scapegoats for humanity's difficulties.

face Looks
Body shape - What does the average Elf body shape look like?

Humanoid, very short and slender

fingerprint Traits
groups Culture
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assignment Names
history Changelog
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