info Overview
Name - What is Kaiden Tabris’s full name?

Kaiden Tabris

Role - What is Kaiden Tabris’s role in your story?

One of the six Grey Wardens to help stop the Fifth Blight. The Orphan.

Age - How old is Kaiden Tabris?


Gender - What is Kaiden Tabris’s gender?


face Looks
Hair Style - How does Kaiden Tabris style their hair?

Long, straight, just to shoulders

Hair Color - What color is Kaiden Tabris’s hair?


Height - How tall is Kaiden Tabris?


Weight - How much does Kaiden Tabris weigh?


Body Type

Thin, lanky

Skin Tone

Dark Caramel

Linked Races

Race - What is Kaiden Tabris’s race?


Eye Color - What is Kaiden Tabris’s eye color?


fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Kaiden Tabris have?

Even though Kaiden strives for equality, he automatically assumes that those of a higher class will be dismissive of him

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Kaiden Tabris have?

Polite to everyone

Motivations - What motivates Kaiden Tabris most?

family and friends, protecting others

Flaws - What flaws does Kaiden Tabris have?

too trusting, explosive anger

Talents - What talents does Kaiden Tabris have?

Archery skills, knife throwing, some dagger skills

Hobbies - What hobbies does Kaiden Tabris have?


Personality type - What personality type is Kaiden Tabris?

ISFJ-The Defender
Kaiden is an introvert, though that doesn't mean that he doesn't like people. On the contrary, he loves making intimate connections with people instead of just surface contact. He doesn't often think ahead to the future and lives more in the here and now. He dreams of what he can some day do, but knows that he can do his best work when he focuses on what's in front of him. Always thinking about the emotional consequences of his actions, Kaiden tries his best to help anyone and everyone so that no one is left behind.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Kaiden Tabris’s favorite color?


Favorite weapon - What is Kaiden Tabris’s favorite weapon?

Bow and Arrow

Favorite possession - What is Kaiden Tabris’s favorite possession?

Mother's ring, on a necklace

Occupation - What is Kaiden Tabris’s occupation?


Politics - What politics does Kaiden Tabris have?

Believes in the voice of the little man and that all should be treated equal

Religion - What religion does Kaiden Tabris practice?


info History
Background - What is Kaiden Tabris’s background?

Growing up in Denerim's Alienage, Kaiden never had a lot provided for him other than family and friends. His community is close and he is inseparable from his two cousins, Soris and Shianni. From a young age, his mother trained him how to fight with a bow and arrow as well as daggers. When he was a teen, his mother was imprisoned and killed by humans. From the suppression, Kaiden has developed a longing to belong and be treated as an equal.

Education - What is Kaiden Tabris’s level of education?

Very little education, only basics

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
Kaiden Tabris appears in the following documents

This character was created by Austin on

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