info Overview
Name - What is Abditory’s full name?


Type - What type of location is Abditory?

It is a location which hides those who aren't ready to face the rest of the world. It is a shelter for many.

Description - Describe Abditory.

The Cylo is located in abditory.
Abditory is the name given to the realm the Cylo dwells in.
It was created by () so that it's trapped in a second of time. It is located in the middle of all the different universes and earths meaning it is a bridge to all of them, allowing the Divergent access to all the universes X-42 can go to. Time still passes when you are in Abditory. It is a realm made to fit any ecosystem but was forged as a futuristic copy of Earth to simplify understandings, it can be changed into another planet or realm. Abditory is the whole of Earth but you walk among the shadows. The stop and start of the world is controlled by commands in the Cylo's computer, more on that later.
The Cylo is the main shelter and recovery point of the Divergent. It is situated in a city situated where Detroit would be. However, it's more dystopian and futuristic along with being surrounded by grassland and wilderness. This is where trains and transport come from along with buildings/houses for residents. The Cylo contains several teleporters which let everyone travel to different parts of the world along with having wearable teleporting devices for "Continent skipping".
There are several entrances and exits Abditory, all hidden and only known to the Divergent. Bruce can use portals to get him there but has to do so discreetly to avoid notice. Only Divergent members can enter Abditory.
• Mirrors (Junkyard, abandoned theme park, one in West Virginian forest)
• The Cove (water diversion)
• Sunken Cargo Crate (need B for that)
• Teleport (though someone has to be there at the computers)
• In emergencies, the Wardrobe (C.S Lewis style)

face Culture
Language - What languages are spoken in Abditory?

Italian (Hijack)
Portuguese (Harpy)
Russian (Elvira)
Latin, Gaelic, Greek, Swedish and other Clan languages
Greek (Alistair)
Alien languages (Vol'turynian)

Population - What is Abditory’s population?

Population varies in size as it is temporary shelter. Those outside of Abditory do not count. However, the population is on the rise due to recruitment or outsiders coming to dwell there if they are struggling with the outside world.

Currency - What currencies are used in Abditory?

There is no currency in abditory. You buy and get food from the outside world. If you do use currency within Abditory, it would most likely be the dollar.

Motto - What is Abditory’s motto?

If the world were perfect, it wouldn't be.

Laws - What are the laws in Abditory?

There aren't many laws but the basics are be kind, don't kill, don't destroy the dynamics of the dimension, use powers wisely, use as it was intended and don't touch Avia's doritoes.

Sports - What sports are played in Abditory?

Every sport that's been created on Earth, though some off-wordly characters have brung their sports to Abditory.

business Cities
map Geography
Area - What kind of area is Abditory in?

Abditory is located on Earth but Then Cylo is located where Detroit would be

Crops - What crops does Abditory produce?

All crops are produced here. The basics like wheat, grain etc etc.
Some other crops like lilips, yementines, duneberries, blue grapes and sugar flowers.

Located at - Where is Abditory located?

Earth, the milky way, our galaxy.

Climate - What is the climate like in Abditory?

All climates as Abditory is located on Earth.

date_range History
Established Year - When was Abditory established?

2013 (November 7th)

Founding Story - How was Abditory founded?

Abditory was created by () as a present to surviving member of the facility it was to act as a shelter and keep them safe from the outside world. There is not a ruler or a monarch of abditory as it is a shared realm of a low population.

Notable Wars - What notable wars has Abditory been involved in?

it has has been attacked and breached many times but there have been no wars located in its dimension. Since then it is located on earth it still has a history of all the human Wars along with some Future conflicts where it has acted as a military base and a regrouping point for divergent members fighting against the opposing cause.

history Changelog
edit Notes

This location was created by Morosis on

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