info Overview
Name - What is The Floating Isles’s full name?

The Floating Isles

Type - What type of location is The Floating Isles?

Floating islands

Description - Describe The Floating Isles.

Floating Islands in the northern part of Astras.

face Culture
Language - What languages are spoken in The Floating Isles?

Astrian, Elvish.

Currency - What currencies are used in The Floating Isles?


business Notable Places
group Residents
map Geography
Area - What kind of area is The Floating Isles in?

Colder. Not a lot of rain though.

Crops - What crops does The Floating Isles produce?

Cloud berries, golden grass.

Located at - Where is The Floating Isles located?

Northern coast of Astras.

Climate - What is the climate like in The Floating Isles?


date_range History
Notable Wars - What notable wars has The Floating Isles been involved in?

War of the Air Hoppers. Some weird, goblin-like wind creatures had been discovered that could hop on air to get from place to place. They were thieves more often than not, and the elves, dragons, and faeries in the area were pretty done with them, to say the least.

edit Notes

This location was created by Amelia on

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