info Overview
Name - What is Suma Isles’s full name?

Suma Isles

Type - What type of location is Suma Isles?

group of islands north of Uttara

Description - Describe Suma Isles.

The people are called The Ribari. They are semi independent from Uttara, on the condition they provide ships to the navy and a few men to stay in Drake's Landing for upkeep of the ships. They are fisher-people and their land is frozen half the year. They have two chiefs, one for the people and one for their elite warriors known as the Maharib. Their oral tradition says they came to the islands 1000 years ago when the White Sea stayed frozen for 7 years straight. Most of them are skilled hunters and some live part of the year at Frystgate making a living at hunting white elk and white bear. In addition to hunting they also are skilled at tanning and boot making. Rivergarden castle has 4 Ribari cobblers living at the castle. They are predominately dark brown or black haired, olive skinned and brown eyed people. They are an incredibly equal society, men and women perform all tasks, including the Maharib. They have a Ribari Chieftess, Alva, and a Maharib Chief, Hakon, who have equal say in the tribes well being. It is important to the Ribari that their two leaders are from different families, so power does not all belong to one person or family.

face Culture
Language - What languages are spoken in Suma Isles?


Population - What is Suma Isles’s population?


Currency - What currencies are used in Suma Isles?


Laws - What are the laws in Suma Isles?

Most law are around the concept of Do Not Take What is Not yours. Includes spouses, children, things, food. Most food is shared, they do not want to see their people go hungry. Disputes are settled by both chiefs.

Sports - What sports are played in Suma Isles?

canoeing around the smaller islands, swimming from island to island

business Cities
map Geography
Area - What kind of area is Suma Isles in?

23 islands in the northern White Sea

Crops - What crops does Suma Isles produce?

seaweed, fish, fur

Located at - Where is Suma Isles located?

White Sea

Climate - What is the climate like in Suma Isles?

frozen winter for 3 months, cold and snowy 3 months, light rainy spring for 2 months, sunny and unfrozen ground 3 months, cold and frosty without snow 1 month.

date_range History
Founding Story - How was Suma Isles founded?

Thier oral tradition says they came to the islands 1000 years ago when the White Sea stayed frozen for 7 years straight.

Established Year - When was Suma Isles established?


Notable Wars - What notable wars has Suma Isles been involved in?

War for independence against Uttara 800 years ago.

edit Notes

This location was created by Hummingbird_Goat on

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