info Overview
Name - What is Thieves Camp’s full name?

Thieves Camp

Description - Describe Thieves Camp.

A camp located in a clearing in the forest, with a fire in the center and tents around the edges under the trees, leaving a middle ring clear.

Type - What type of location is Thieves Camp?


face Culture
Motto - What is Thieves Camp’s motto?

"What's mine is mine, and what's theirs is mine, and what's yours is...debatable."

Language - What languages are spoken in Thieves Camp?

Kalastrin, a spattering of other languages.

Population - What is Thieves Camp’s population?

Varies, usually 15-20

Currency - What currencies are used in Thieves Camp?

Gold, silver, furs, anything really

Laws - What are the laws in Thieves Camp?

No killing, and that's basically it.

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