info Overview
Name - What is Smokewood Mansion’s full name?

Smokewood Mansion

Description - Describe Smokewood Mansion.

Sashay’s mansion located on her private island, next to her dragonkin habitat.

face Culture
Population - What is Smokewood Mansion’s population?

Sashay, her husband Rohl, and later their daughter Kari live there.

business Cities
map Geography
Located at - Where is Smokewood Mansion located?

Sashay’s personal floating island.

Climate - What is the climate like in Smokewood Mansion?

It is a Central Island, so it is much warmer than other places in the Floating Islands.

book History
Founding Story - How was Smokewood Mansion founded?

Sashay had this mansion built for her with a specialized enclosure.

history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Populated by
Character chevron_right Birthplace link linked Smokewood Mansion

This location was created by Madi on

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