info Overview
Name - What is Alien Drug’s full name?

Alien Drug

Item Type - What type of item is Alien Drug?


Description - Describe Alien Drug.

A mysterious drug that came to earth and was responsible for pollution around an area in Fairmallow, while it's been cleaned up, It has infected four children who luckily survived though it impacted their health greatly

redeem Looks
Materials - What is Alien Drug made out of?

Grounded Terramite, Morphic Rhodanium, Nitranium, Nonconductive Helioril, Positive Hydragydium, and Radioactive Contaminate

Weight - How much does Alien Drug weigh?

Very light to carry

Notable features

It came in different cosmic abilities

date_range History
bubble_chart Causes
flash_on Abilities
Magical effects - What kind of magic does Alien Drug possess?

Cosmic powers (Sky, Star, Moon, Sun)

edit Notes
fingerprint Traits
local_hospital Effect
healing Treatment
storage Requirement
hdr_weak Risk
hdr_strong Rewards
folder_open Story
folder_open Hiearchy
folder_open Members

This item was created by Camilla on

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