info Overview
Name - What is Serareyes rugs ’s full name?

Serareyes rugs

Item Type - What type of item is Serareyes rugs ?


Description - Describe Serareyes rugs .

The rug is a symbol of welcoming, if it is not there when you walk in it is considered an offence although this is only in Torian culture and they often have to be forcibly reminded that is not the cultrue of other countries.

redeem Looks
Materials - What is Serareyes rugs made out of?

The most expensive are made of spider silk but the usual ones are made of rolled up balls of cotton of different, viberent colours.

Weight - How much does Serareyes rugs weigh?


book History
Year it was made - When was Serareyes rugs made?

The tradition is very old and no one really knows where it came from. But there are myths to surround it.

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