info Overview
Name - What is Alicorn Amulet’s full name?

Alicorn Amulet

Description - Describe Alicorn Amulet.

An amulet made in the likeness of an Alicorns, in which rests a diamond-shaped gem
Formerly The Dragon Amulet.

Item Type - What type of item is Alicorn Amulet?

Cursed necklace/Amulet

redeem Looks
Materials - What is Alicorn Amulet made out of?


Weight - How much does Alicorn Amulet weigh?

Roughly three pounds

book History
Year it was made - When was Alicorn Amulet made?


flash_on Abilities
Magical effects - What kind of magic does Alicorn Amulet possess?

It corrupts the user, while also giving them amazing power *

history Changelog
edit Notes

  • The gem housed within the Alicorn Amulet used to be part of a dragon's heart, namely that of King Sombra's. Due to the small amount of corruptive power still left in this tiny piece, the one who fashioned the Amulet ended up making a destructive tool, instead of a shiny trinket like they originally planned.

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