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flash_on Abilities
Magical effects - What kind of magic does Fury Cutter possess?

It's invisible, for one.

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info Overview
Name - What is Fury Cutter’s full name?

Fury Cutter

Item Type - What type of item is Fury Cutter?

Bow & Arrow

Description - Describe Fury Cutter.

Vix's bow, crafted from some special wood and a special strand of drawstring, which does not fire arrows. Instead, the force of letting the drawn string go tears a laceration in space that propagates forward, resulting in deep lacerations in the target.

Bow can be rotated to give a resulting rotation on the end laceration.

Fury Cutter is included in the following collections
Interesting Weapons by @Eldest-God-andrew
Weapons outside the typical

This item was created by Andrew Brown on Notebook.ai.

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