info Overview
Name - What is The Line Box’s full name?

The Line Box

Description - Describe The Line Box.

Roughly 5x7 feet, it's essentially a wood and metal box with small seat inside, a caged door, and an intricate contraption atop of it that connects to a wire. It connects the Livingston Home and The Carriage House

Item Type - What type of item is The Line Box?


redeem Looks
Materials - What is The Line Box made out of?

Dark Wood, warped with time; Old, strong metal, partially plated

Weight - How much does The Line Box weigh?

a whole lot

book History
Year it was made - When was The Line Box made?

mid-late 19th century

flash_on Abilities
Magical effects - What kind of magic does The Line Box possess?

Humans can power it to move across the metal line by making skin contact with the top contraption.

history Changelog
edit Notes

Greg continually overexerts himself in order to try to get to Peter's room this way. The fact that only humans can power it is why the homunculi take in Greg.


This item was created by Zoë Jacks on

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