info Overview
Name - What is the name of The Painted Wings?

The Painted Wings

Description - How would you describe the The Painted Wings group?

A group of seven dragons, all of different species, all off-colored and looked down upon, coming together to fulfill the prophecy. They are destined to be together, as their wings all show part of a picture to see what will become of the continent if they don't.

Other names - What other names is The Painted Wings known by?


call_split Hierarchy
Organization structure


location_on Locations
business Purpose
Motivations - What motivates The Painted Wings?

"The fate of this place is up to you, the state of Pyrriha is for you to choose..."

Goals - What is the primary goal of The Painted Wings?

To defeat an evil they don't know of

Obstacles - What obstacles stand in the way of The Painted Wings?


Risks - What risks are on the line for The Painted Wings?

They don't know, and neither do we....

Traditions - What traditions does The Painted Wings partake in?


thumbs_up_down Politics
shopping_cart Inventory
Inventory - What kinds of items does The Painted Wings keep in inventory?

Seven gemstones that represent every dragon, used for planning and magical abilities, carried in a small pouch around every dragons neck

edit Notes

They are beautiful baby bois

Group chevron_right Enemies link linked The Painted Wings

This group was created by The Painted Wings on

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