info Overview
Name - What is the name of Faer Bread?

Faer Bread

Description - How would you describe Faer Bread?

a type of honeyed bread, very sweet

Type of food - What kind of food is Faer Bread?


Other names - What other names is Faer Bread also known by?

Lìs bread

room_service Sales
Cost - How much does Faer Bread cost?

Depends on where you are located.

Sold by - Who sells Faer Bread?


Rarity - How rare is it to see Faer Bread?

Not super rare, though it's not as popular in towns and such. It's more popular in the cities

kitchen Recipe
Ingredients - What ingredients are in Faer Bread?

Honey, Flour/wheat, milk, sugar, yeast, water, eggs, butter

Preparation - How do you prepare Faer Bread?

Mix like normal bread, but with the sugar and honey added in last, bake until golden-brown

Cooking method - How do you cook Faer Bread?

Bake in oven until golden-brown

Yield - How much Faer Bread is usually made at a time?

A few loaves

Color - What colors does Faer Bread come in?

Uhm one, bread color

Size - How big is Faer Bread?

Size of a normal loaf of bread

Smell - What does Faer Bread smell like when cooking?

Fresh bread with a touch of sweetness to it

Variations - What are the most common variants of Faer Bread?

Depends. In some areas, they add more spices, others less dairy. Some add far more honey than others do

restaurant Eating
Serving - How is Faer Bread served?

In slices

Utensils needed - What utensils are needed to eat Faer Bread?


Texture - What is the texture of Faer Bread?

Bread texture?

Scent - What does Faer Bread smell like when served?


Flavor - What are Faer Bread's flavors?

Honey, bread, sort of sweet

cake Effects
Nutrition - How nutritious is Faer Bread? What nutrients does it have?

About as nutritious as normal bread

Conditions - What conditons can Faer Bread cause?


Side effects - What are the common side effects of eating Faer Bread?


history History
history Changelog
edit Notes

This food was created by Ice on

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