info Overview
Name - What is the name of Dragon Eggs?

Dragon Eggs

Description - How would you describe Dragon Eggs?

Bread-covered lamb sausage with boiled egg center.

Type of food - What kind of food is Dragon Eggs?


Other names - What other names is Dragon Eggs also known by?

Goat Eggs

kitchen Recipe
Ingredients - What ingredients are in Dragon Eggs?

ground lamb, quail or goose eggs, bread

Preparation - How do you prepare Dragon Eggs?

soft boil eggs until white is hard. carefully wrap in lamb sausage until the egg is competely covered. cook until lamb is done. cover sausage egg in bread dough and bake until bread is done

Cooking method - How do you cook Dragon Eggs?

boiled and baked

Spices - What spices are common in Dragon Eggs?

pepper, salt, chili, cumin, cinnamon, curry

Yield - How much Dragon Eggs is usually made at a time?

usually by the dozen

Color - What colors does Dragon Eggs come in?

bread can be flavored with different spices, so the end result can be red, yellow, brown, green.

Size - How big is Dragon Eggs?

if goose eggs are used then 6-8 inches long, if quail eggs, 4-6".

Smell - What does Dragon Eggs smell like when cooking?

spices, baked meat/bread

Variations - What are the most common variants of Dragon Eggs?

using goat sausage instead of lamb. using different flavored bread.

room_service Sales
Cost - How much does Dragon Eggs cost?

half a gael.

Sold by - Who sells Dragon Eggs?

inns, pubs, street vendors

Rarity - How rare is it to see Dragon Eggs?

very common.

Shelf life - How long does it take for Dragon Eggs to go bad?

can last a day.

restaurant Eating
Meal - Which meal of the day is Dragon Eggs usually served at?


Serving - How is Dragon Eggs served?

with a small bowl of dill, cucumber, and yogurt sauce.

Utensils needed - What utensils are needed to eat Dragon Eggs?

none. finger food.

Texture - What is the texture of Dragon Eggs?


Scent - What does Dragon Eggs smell like when served?

dill, sausage, bread, egg

Flavor - What are Dragon Eggs's flavors?

sausage, bread, egg,

cake Effects
Nutrition - How nutritious is Dragon Eggs? What nutrients does it have?

good way to start the day.

Conditions - What conditons can Dragon Eggs cause?

none, unless you have allergies.

Side effects - What are the common side effects of eating Dragon Eggs?


history History
Place of origin - Where did Dragon Eggs originate?

Shepard's wives made this for them to take to the fields.

Traditions - What traditions is Dragon Eggs commonly associated with or eaten during?


history Changelog
edit Notes

This food was created by Hummingbird_Goat on

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