info Overview
Name - What is the name of Friar's Pie?

Friar's Pie

Description - How would you describe Friar's Pie?

Meat pie

Type of food - What kind of food is Friar's Pie?


Other names - What other names is Friar's Pie also known by?

Woodsman's pie

kitchen Recipe
Ingredients - What ingredients are in Friar's Pie?

Rabbit, chicken, venison, carrots, turnips, and peas.

Preparation - How do you prepare Friar's Pie?

Roast the meats over a fire until well done, catching drippings in a pot. Cut cooked meat into cubes and put in hot pan with drippings and flour. Cook until thick. Make a pie crust in a large 6" deep pot. Add layers of meat and vegetables. Top with pie crust.

Cooking method - How do you cook Friar's Pie?

Put the large pot into bread oven for two hours.

Spices - What spices are common in Friar's Pie?

salt, pepper, cinnamon, anise.

Yield - How much Friar's Pie is usually made at a time?

8-12 servings per pot.

Color - What colors does Friar's Pie come in?

Baked bread brown

Size - How big is Friar's Pie?

depends on the pot cooked in. Can come in mini version in the marketplace.

Smell - What does Friar's Pie smell like when cooking?

roast meat

Variations - What are the most common variants of Friar's Pie?

Partridge, pheasant, pork, potato, apple, squash are common substitutes.

room_service Sales
Cost - How much does Friar's Pie cost?

half a gael.

Sold by - Who sells Friar's Pie?

Market vendors have many versions.

Rarity - How rare is it to see Friar's Pie?

really common.

Shelf life - How long does it take for Friar's Pie to go bad?

last up to three days if kept covered, dry, and cool.

restaurant Eating
Meal - Which meal of the day is Friar's Pie usually served at?

midday or dinner

Serving - How is Friar's Pie served?

plates or bowl. mini version are handheld.

Utensils needed - What utensils are needed to eat Friar's Pie?

fork or spoon

Texture - What is the texture of Friar's Pie?

crispy, flaky crust with tender meat and vegetables.

Scent - What does Friar's Pie smell like when served?

roast meat with spice.

Flavor - What are Friar's Pie's flavors?

mild roast meat, not usually too spicy hot.

cake Effects
Nutrition - How nutritious is Friar's Pie? What nutrients does it have?

Lots of nutrition. Field workers bring the handheld versions to work in the fields.

Conditions - What conditons can Friar's Pie cause?

none unless you're allergic to the ingredience.

Side effects - What are the common side effects of eating Friar's Pie?

Sleepy if you eat too much.

history History
Place of origin - Where did Friar's Pie originate?

Ataraxia with the Friars of the Daystar. Or so legend says, a version of it seems to have been around for millennia

Origin story - What is the origin story of Friar's Pie?

Created so workers didn't have to come in for a midday meal. They could bring it with them and stop in the fields to eat.

Traditions - What traditions is Friar's Pie commonly associated with or eaten during?

On Maiden's Eve the crust is made with beets to turn it red and purple.
On Spring equinox the crust is made with spinach to turn it green.

Symbolisms - What does Friar's Pie symbolize in your world?

Beet crust pies of Maiden's Eve represent a girl becoming a woman.
Spinach crust of the Spring Equinox represents new growth.

Related foods - What other foods are related to Friar's Pie?

Sweet versions of the hand pies are made with fruit and spice.

Reputation - What reputation does Friar's Pie have?

hearty and heavy meal.

history Changelog
edit Notes

This food was created by Hummingbird_Goat on

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