info Overview
Name - What is Gaua Heriotza's name?

Gaua Heriotza

Description - How would you describe Gaua Heriotza?

Goddess of Night and Death

Other Names - What other names is Gaua Heriotza known by?

Night Goddess, Gaua

accessibility Appearance
Physical Description - How would you describe what Gaua Heriotza looks like physically?

Often appears as a robust female figure with a dress of stars. She can also appear as just a female outline with stars instead of features

Height - How tall is Gaua Heriotza?

the anthropomorphic deity is about 5'8"

Weight - How much does Gaua Heriotza weigh?


supervisor_account Family
thumbs_up_down Symbolism
grade Powers
Strengths - What are Gaua Heriotza's strengths?

She cools off the earth at night to keep the earth in balance. Otherwise, the Day Star God would burn everything. She keeps the souls of the dead as stars within her.

Weaknesses - What are Gaua Heriotza's weaknesses?

She always diminishes in the sunlight

import_contacts Rituals
Rituals - What rituals are commonly associated with Gaua Heriotza? How do they work?

Most people have an outdoor space with a flat rock to hold candles that they light at night in honour of the goddess. People light candles on graves. There are also temples that hold services just after sunset, most Gaua temples have a circular opening in the roof to observe her while worshipping.

Traditions - What traditions are commonly associated with Gaua Heriotza?

When a person is dying the family gathers around and wears stars on their clothing and jewelry and light candles as they wait for the goddess to come to take their loved one.

Human Interaction - How often does Gaua Heriotza interact with their followers? In what ways?

She comes to guide people into the afterlife.

date_range History
edit Notes
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