info Overview

Fuzzy Beetle

Average Lifespan

20 years

pets Physical Characteristics
Physical Characteristics

Fuzzy Beetles more closely resemble tortoises than beetles. They are enormous animals, about the size of a cow, and have soft, pale bodies protected by thick blue shells. The shell makes up most of their height, and their heads are kept low to the ground to graze.

A patchy coat of wool grows on the outside of their shells. The mechanisms of this are a mystery, but the wool never stops growing and comes in colors like black, brown, and silver.

whatshot Magical Characteristics
Magical Characteristics

Fuzzy Beetles have no inherent magical qualities.

accessibility_new Behavioral Characteristics
Behavioral Characteristics

Many Marshroom Kingdom farmers herds of Fuzzy Beetles for their wool, which is sheared using a specialized tool that looks a bit like a giant razor. They are gentle creatures, but may charge if nervous or frightened.

Some pranksters take to "beetle tipping," or sneaking into Fuzzy Beetle farms late at night and flipping the beetles over. Once upside-down, the beetle is incapable of righting itself without help.

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