info Overview
Name - What is Katya Kels’s full name?

Katya Kels

Role - What is Katya Kels’s role in your story?

The Prisoner

Age - How old is Katya Kels?


Gender - What is Katya Kels’s gender?


Full Name

Katya Antona Kels

Other names - What other aliases does Katya Kels go by?




folder_open Name
First Name


First Name Meaning

Pure, Perfect

First Name Pronunciation


Middle Name


Middle Name Meaning

Inestimateable, Strength

Middle Name Pronunciation




Surname Meaning


Surname Pronunciation


face Looks
Race - What is Katya Kels’s race?


Body Type

Tall, slender

Weight - How much does Katya Kels weigh?


Skin Tone

Light green

Height - How tall is Katya Kels?


Hair Color - What color is Katya Kels’s hair?


Eye Color - What is Katya Kels’s eye color?

Light brown

Hair Style - How does Katya Kels style their hair?

Long, straight and fine, falls nearly to her waist.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Katya Kels have?

Green skin, very long hair. Faint scar across her right eye. Due to being Veren, she can breathe underwater.

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Katya Kels?

Katya Kels--who often just goes by Kels--is driven, stubborn, and ready to avenge her fallen planet of Veren. Forced into the Academy after her father (General Anton Kels) was killed in battle, and she was captured. A government official saw start a fire at one of the government encampments, and stunned her, taking her captive. Kels is clever and often underestimated, since she isn't human. She's smug and self-confident, and loves making others squirm. She's biding her time until she can strike back against the government that killed her family and her home. She's often very quiet, and has a deep rivalry with Tabitha Meyer, as their similar personalities often clash.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Katya Kels have?

Speaks in a very stilted manner, rarely using contractions or slang. Her words often come off as clipped and harsh.

Skills and Hobbies

Swimming, combat (both armed and hand-to-hand), very good aim, easily unnerving.

Motivations - What motivates Katya Kels most?

To avenge her family and people

Hobbies - What hobbies does Katya Kels have?

Swimming, racquet-ball, studying. Learning about poisons, keeping up her combat abilities.

Flaws - What flaws does Katya Kels have?

Over-ambitious, smug, enjoys making people squirm, stern, holding a lot of resentment.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Katya Kels have?

Against humans, since they destroyed her planet

groups Social
Favorite possession - What is Katya Kels’s favorite possession?

A small stone ring that her father wore

Closest Friend
Lovers (Current and Past)

Anton Kels (father, deceased)
Kitty Lune (mother)

Favorite or Associated Animal


Favorite weapon - What is Katya Kels’s favorite weapon?

Her staff, with has small electric spikes at the ends.

Occupation - What is Katya Kels’s occupation?

Student at the Academy

Politics - What politics does Katya Kels have?

Wants the government to fall, or at the very least to stop its imperialist ways.

Religion - What religion does Katya Kels practice?

Used to worship Veren's gods, but stopped doing so publicly when at the Academy, since it was outlawed. Her faith wavered after the invasion of Veren.

Favorite or Associated Color

Light blue

Favorite food - What is Katya Kels’s favorite food?


info History
Background - What is Katya Kels’s background?

The daughter of Anton Kels--one of Veren's most skilled generals--and a prostitute, Katya was raised by her father, and was trained to use a sword from the time she could hold one. She fought valiantly against the government's invasion, but she was captured after using her magic gift to start a fire at one of their encampments. Her father was killed soon after, and she was forced into the Academy under threat of death.

Education - What is Katya Kels’s level of education?

Fairly high, although mostly in war-relevant topics

Birthday - When is Katya Kels’s birthday?

June 29th


Anton Kels and Kitty Lune. She was very close with her father, and didn't even know her mother's name until they accidentally reunited years later.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Art credit to the makowka character maker II Picrew by makowka

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