account_circle Overview
Name - What is Daisy Blossomvine ’s full name?

Daisy Blossomvine

Gender - What is Daisy Blossomvine ’s gender?


Age - How old is Daisy Blossomvine ?

360 (6)



face Looks


Eye Color - What is Daisy Blossomvine ’s eye color?


Scale Color

Lime Green

Secondary Scale Color

Bright Light Orange

Third scale color

Medium Pink

local_mall Outfits
fingerprint Nature
Hobbies - What hobbies does Daisy Blossomvine have?


groups Social
Favorite food - What is Daisy Blossomvine ’s favorite food?

The soft, buttery rolls Chamomile makes .

account_balance Culture
bubble_chart Abilites
date_range History
Education - What is Daisy Blossomvine ’s level of education?

Celestial Academy

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
Location chevron_right Residents link linked Daisy Blossomvine

Character chevron_right Friends link linked Daisy Blossomvine

Character chevron_right Children link linked Daisy Blossomvine

Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Daisy Blossomvine

This character was created by Amelia on

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