person_pin Overview
Name - What is Rowan’s full name?


Other names - What other aliases does Rowan go by?

"Butter" (his street name because he was good at getting away)

face Looks
Hair Style - How does Rowan style their hair?

long, wears it down

Hair Color - What color is Rowan’s hair?

dirty blonde

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Rowan have?

nose piercing ( silver hoop)

Skin Tone

pale, freckled

Eye Color - What is Rowan’s eye color?

mottled green with gold flecks

fingerprint Nature
groups Social
Favorite weapon - What is Rowan’s favorite weapon?

metal claws and skuriken (5)
*aka throwing stars

Favorite possession - What is Rowan’s favorite possession?

his lock picks and his scarf

book History
Background - What is Rowan’s background?

Rowan was raised on the streets. He doesn't remember his parents, although there were older slum-folk who took care of him when he was young. He learned the art of pick-pocketing and burglary very early on, and was good at it by necessity. When he was 10, he found his way to CA when he tried to pick-pocket a teacher of CA, while they were traveling back to school. The teacher decided to take Rowan to CA, where he lived and learned to fight, enrolling as first year a year later.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
accessibility Public Appearance

Rowan wears ragged shorts, a tanktop, and a blue scarf. He usually walks around (and fights) barefoot, but he wears boots and a coat when its cold- said boots have a hole in the toe.


This character was created by Feathered Tadpole on

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