info Overview
Name - What is Nathaniel Norwood’s full name?

Nathaniel Norwood

Role - What is Nathaniel Norwood’s role in your story?

The King

Age - How old is Nathaniel Norwood?

18 when introduced

Gender - What is Nathaniel Norwood’s gender?


Full Name

Nathaniel Alexander Norwood

Other names - What other aliases does Nathaniel Norwood go by?

Nathan, Prince Nathaniel


Nathan Allan, the fake name he gives to Oscar Mitchell and others, since he doesn't want to be treated differently due to being a prince.


Stuff of Dreams

folder_open Name
First Name


First Name Meaning

Gift of God

First Name Pronunciation


Middle Name


Middle Name Meaning

Defender of Men

Middle Name Pronunciation




Surname Meaning

Northern Wood

Surname Pronunciation


face Looks
Race - What is Nathaniel Norwood’s race?


Body Type

Average height, slender

Weight - How much does Nathaniel Norwood weigh?


Skin Tone

Light, freckled

Height - How tall is Nathaniel Norwood?


Hair Color - What color is Nathaniel Norwood’s hair?

Light brown

Eye Color - What is Nathaniel Norwood’s eye color?


Hair Style - How does Nathaniel Norwood style their hair?

Not long enough to tie back, but not extremely short either

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Nathaniel Norwood have?


fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Nathaniel Norwood?

Nathaniel always tries to weigh his actions, and treats every decision like a game of strategy. As the youngest prince, he's seen as a bargaining chip for the kingdom, especially after his father King Matthias' death and the hasty coronation of his eldest son Michael. Nathaniel is little more than just nameless soldier in Reginald Arnol's expeditionary force, and is vastly unprepared for the expedition into the Woods. Sweet and clever, though not good at thinking on his feet, Nathaniel befriends the soldiers and begins to see how the commoners live. Once he gains the throne, he's intent on becoming the model king, even if it comes at the expense of his friends. He's very insecure about his public image, trying to keep every detail of his private life (including his relationship with Oscar Mitchell) under wraps. As he ages, he becomes more anxious, especially as he watches Oscar slip into alcoholism and mental distress. A good yet distant father to his eventual children (Walton and Lucia).

Skills and Hobbies

Leadership, planning, archery, painting.

Motivations - What motivates Nathaniel Norwood most?

To make his kingdom better for all.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Nathaniel Norwood have?

Reading, playing the viola, painting, chess.

Flaws - What flaws does Nathaniel Norwood have?

Idealistic, naive, sheltered due to his life at the palace, unprepared for the reality of war. Self-centered, insecure, paranoid. Neurotic.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Nathaniel Norwood have?

Against the fae


If Nathaniel lived in a setting with our modern medical knowledge, he'd almost certainly be diagnosed with anxiety, and potentially obsessive-compulsive disorder.

groups Social
Favorite possession - What is Nathaniel Norwood’s favorite possession?

His iron ring, to ward of fae possession

Closest Friend
Lovers (Current and Past)

Matthias Norwood (father)
Adria Norwood (mother)
Michael Norwood (older brother)
Edgar Norwood (older brother)

Favorite weapon - What is Nathaniel Norwood’s favorite weapon?

Words, usually

Occupation - What is Nathaniel Norwood’s occupation?

Prince of Alchester

Politics - What politics does Nathaniel Norwood have?

Cut down warfare against the Fae and provided more training to the expeditionary forces, which used to be more or less just handing a teenager a sword and a bow and quiver.
Settled multiple border disputes, namely Saturnae trying to secede from Bassen.
He also made note that upon his death, his children were to work to overthrow a law in Saturnae that infringed on the rights of queer people. Although both Percival Olivier and Oscar Mitchell prompted him to do so in his lifetime, Nathaniel feared that if he attempted to overthrow the law, it would out him to the kingdom.

Religion - What religion does Nathaniel Norwood practice?

Not especially religious. He believes in the gods, but is far less devout than Oscar Mitchell.

Favorite or Associated Color



Marian Arnol: Marian and Nathaniel grew up together, and are closer than siblings. Marian was at his side when his father died, when Michael was nearly assassinated, and when Edgar returned after Michael's supposed death in a faery ambush. Though they are not in love, Nathaniel always figured that he would end up marrying Marian, until Edgar insists on her hand instead. The two marry after Edgar is deposed, although the marriage is solely for convenience's sake.
Oscar Mitchell: Nathaniel was unprepared for the trials and tribulations that came with the expeditionary force, and Oscar Mitchell took him under his wing. Around Nathaniel's age himself, Mitchell joined the army to provide for his injured sister Beatrice. The two of them work closely together, and eventually fall in love. Nathaniel, determined to keep his image as a perfect and model king, insists on keeping their relationship a secret, something that will not do much good for Oscar.

info History
Background - What is Nathaniel Norwood’s background?

The third of King Matthias' children, Nathaniel Norwood was a reserved and quiet boy who never tried to draw attention to himself. He is placed in the expeditionary forces in his late teens, and begins to see the flaws in the kingdom that King Edgar seems to ignore. After befriending Oscar Mitchell and some other soldiers, Nathaniel ends up attempting to desert. He escapes, but Mitchell is caught aiding him. With the aid of Beatrice Mitchell, Nathaniel is able to break the man he loves out of prison, and the three of them (aided by Marian Arnol, Erik Mueller, Alessandra Treleven, and Percival Olivier) decides to retake the throne from his cruel brother. He would go down as one of Alchester's best kings, alongside King Alexander.

Education - What is Nathaniel Norwood’s level of education?

Very high in classical studies

Birthday - When is Nathaniel Norwood’s birthday?

April 18th


Matthias and Adria Norwood

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Art credit to the Icon maker Picrew by lulljevic

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