info Overview
Name - What is Padma Prince’s full name?

Padma Prince

Role - What is Padma Prince’s role in your story?

"Don Pedro"

Age - How old is Padma Prince?


Gender - What is Padma Prince’s gender?


Full Name

Padma Anjali Prince


Commotion Without Notion

folder_open Name
face Looks
Race - What is Padma Prince’s race?


Body Type

Must be taller than Frankie Corr

Weight - How much does Padma Prince weigh?

A bit above average

Skin Tone

Medium brown with warm undertones

Height - How tall is Padma Prince?


Hair Color - What color is Padma Prince’s hair?


Eye Color - What is Padma Prince’s eye color?


Hair Style - How does Padma Prince style their hair?


fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Padma Prince?

Padma is very sweet and enthusiastic, especially about her friends and their relationships. She can be a bit nosy, especially when playing matchmaker, and tends to hyperfocus on making everything perfect for everyone else. She feels as though she isn't living her life, but a life someone else has planned for her.

Skills and Hobbies

In-universe: naturally gifted at setting up couples, baking, soccer.
Meta: Alto range, must be able to carry "Matchless Match" as a solo, and blend well with the chorus.

Motivations - What motivates Padma Prince most?

To find true love, as cheesy as that sounds.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Padma Prince have?

Soccer and baking.

Flaws - What flaws does Padma Prince have?

Hopeless romantic, nosy, perfectionist.

groups Social
Closest Friend

Lovers (Current and Past)

Joe Prince (half-brother)

Favorite or Associated Animal


Occupation - What is Padma Prince’s occupation?

In school to become a therapist

Favorite or Associated Color


Favorite food - What is Padma Prince’s favorite food?


info History
Birthday - When is Padma Prince’s birthday?

May 3rd

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

  • Alto

  • Pansexual

  • Can have lackluster chemistry with Woolsworth, they're meant to be an awkward yet cute couple

  • Notable songs: Unraveling, Rewinding, Matchless Match/Reprise

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