info Overview
Name - What is Barry Woolsworth’s full name?

Barry Woolsworth

Role - What is Barry Woolsworth’s role in your story?


Age - How old is Barry Woolsworth?


Gender - What is Barry Woolsworth’s gender?


Full Name

Barry Adam Woolsworth

Other names - What other aliases does Barry Woolsworth go by?

Detective Woolsworth


Commotion Without Notion

folder_open Name
face Looks
Body Type

Tall and scrawny

Hair Style - How does Barry Woolsworth style their hair?

Low ponytail


Concussed for a majority of the show

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Barry Woolsworth have?

Taller than both Kat and Frankie
Long enough hair to tie it in a ponytail
Preferrably has a scrawnier build, allowing for his coat to appear massive for extra comedic value

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Barry Woolsworth?

Barry is an enthusiastic wannabe detective who gets stranded at the cabin after he hits a tree with his car. He teams up with Frankie and Kat in an attempt to solve the case despite his concussion, and forms a relationship with Padma Prince.

Motivations - What motivates Barry Woolsworth most?

To solve the case

Flaws - What flaws does Barry Woolsworth have?

Kinda oblivious, tries too hard to sound smart and in reality makes himself sound ridiculous, overzealous, misuses words a lot

groups Social
Favorite possession - What is Barry Woolsworth’s favorite possession?

His overlarge detective's coat

Lovers (Current and Past)

Padma Prince (Present)

Favorite or Associated Animal


Occupation - What is Barry Woolsworth’s occupation?


Favorite or Associated Color


Favorite food - What is Barry Woolsworth’s favorite food?


info History
device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
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