info Overview
Name - What is Tsuyoi Onna’s full name?

Tsuyoi Onna

Age - How old is Tsuyoi Onna?




Gender - What is Tsuyoi Onna’s gender?


face Looks
Height - How tall is Tsuyoi Onna?

5.5 ft

Weight - How much does Tsuyoi Onna weigh?

120 lb

Race & Ethnicity


Skin Tone


Body Type

Long legs, Short Arms, Aletheic frame, Toned Stomach

Eye Color - What is Tsuyoi Onna’s eye color?


Hair Style - How does Tsuyoi Onna style their hair?

Short, straight, Eye covering

Hair Color - What color is Tsuyoi Onna’s hair?


fingerprint Nature


Moral Alignment


Motivations - What motivates Tsuyoi Onna most?

Escaping Death


Being discarded
Being weak

sentiment_satisfied Mannerisms
General mannerisms

Backtalk; insolent or impudent retorts
Silent protests
Flouting the rules of one’s parents or society
Ignoring warnings
Risky behavior
Focusing on people’s flaws rather than on their attributes
Believing that tough love will make people stronger
Being unwilling to put oneself in another’s shoes
Vehemently arguing one’s point of view
Flouting laws and rules
Going against the flow
Using a loud voice
Asking questions of those in authority
Wanting to know the reasoning behind rules or judgments

Happy mannerisms

Claiming that one’s calm demeanor is simply tiredness
Forcing oneself to maintain a slight stiffness in posture
Pretending to disengage because of boredom
Twitching lips
Hiding a smile behind a hand
Bouncing lightly on the toes
Getting away at the first opportunity to tell someone the good news
Settling back in a chair in release

Angry mannerisms

Head shaking
Rolling the eyes
Using sarcasm
Terror stalking
Destroying the target’s property and cherished possessions
Involving the police (pressing false charges, making accusations—true or false—that will ruin them)
Taking revenge on innocents close to the target
Beating someone senseless
Committing assault or murder
Seeking out opportunities to react violently
Self-destructive addictions

Sad mannerisms

Giving a clenched half-smile
A sagging body posture
Head tilted slightly to the side
Looking at the person sideways rather than straight on
Sharing a pained glance with someone else
Facial cues that show disdain
An unmoving stance
A voice devoid of emotion, deadpan
A grave expression
A sad or serious demeanor
Hands folded in one’s lap
Sitting quietly

Scared mannerisms

A hard, visible swallow as one’s lips press tight
A slight tremor in the fingertips
A voice that warbles before it steadies
Adopting a strained smile that twitches as it widens, fighting for mind over body
Nervous laughter
Masking fear with a reactive emotion (anger or frustration)
False bravado
Over-indulgence in a habit (nail biting, lip biting, scratching the skin raw)
A joking tone, but the voice cracks

Traumatized mannerisms

Underachieving or avoiding setting any goals
Refusing to ask for help due to the belief that one doesn’t deserve it
Not taking care of one’s health, hygiene, etc.
Frequently breaking down into tears
Watching oneself cry in the mirror to feel “seen”
Deflecting compliments by citing one’s faults or failings instead
Feeling alone, even with other people

groups Social

Boyish Thing


Weak people
Girly Things

Relationships Description


device_hub Family
date_range History


{Bumped into the wrong person}


{New Self}

{Looking for a place}

colorize Health
flare Magic
adb Species
edit Notes
history Changelog
all_inclusive Arc
Starting Point

Starts off ignorant, callous, and judgemental

Turning Point

Enduring abuse from the Kikuchi's
Being forced to capture her

Ending Point

Stands up to Tsumi
Learns to support the weak not disdain them

Character chevron_right Relationship Status link mentioned Tsuyoi Onna

Character chevron_right History link mentioned Tsuyoi Onna

This character was created by Camilla on

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