info Overview
Name - What is Sicarius ’s full name?


Age - How old is Sicarius ?

63 (From 2013)

Role - What is Sicarius ’s role in your story?

Sicarius is one of the main antagonists of the story, deriving from the same Facility project as the protagonist, Bruce. His origins and motives are very vague in the plot but certain characteristics are built upon or explored to add to the mystery of his role.

Other names - What other aliases does Sicarius go by?

Ari (Bruce's name for him. He hates it. First time it got an actual emotional reaction from him)
X-41 (Facility Label)
Omul de recoltat (Bad translation of the phrase "Man of harvest" "The harvestman."

Gender - What is Sicarius ’s gender?


face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Sicarius have?

He has a light, untended to stubble. If he were to keep it well trimmed, it would suit his face very well yet he sees no need for personal vanity. He only shaves it when ut becomes unhygienic/impractical

Eye Color - What is Sicarius ’s eye color?
Race - What is Sicarius ’s race?

He is Romanian though it is believed his family has roots from countries like Cyprus, Greece or Turkey. It, however, is unknown. (Though it would explain his slightly darker skin)

Skin Tone

Sicarius's skin tone is tanned natural olive. If it were kept perfectly clean, his jawline and cheekbones would be prominent from its colour, unfortunately, that is not in his best interest.

Body Type

Built to peak human condition both physically and mentally alongside by genetically enhanced to bypass certain human limits. His appearance would probably be between an ectomorph and mesomorph physique, muscles pretty much make up the majority of his weight.
Surprisingly, he isn't the size of a bodybuilder nor particularly large. He's preferably lean therefore is more agile also can carry his weight better.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Sicarius have?

Facility barcode tag on left wrist.
Scars littering his body. Most noticeable is the one under his hair and on his scalp. He has a huge one going up from under his ribs to his waist.

Weight - How much does Sicarius weigh?

92kg (203lb)
(I can't really do weight so this is an approximate estimate based on actors/characters who have a familiar structure to him)

Height - How tall is Sicarius ?

It's hard to get a proper measurement of him but he stands around the same height as his opposite (Bruce, who is 6ft 2 and slightly heavier in muscle)


Sicarius is almost always depicted wearing practical armour/clothing for his occupation. Commonly thought to be an assassin and wears similar clothing to those who are; Sicarius does not have a preference of fashion nor style as he has no need for it in his life. Though he may be partial to certain items, it is never displayed to the audience.
Here is his Pinterest where I have been gathering images to get a general visualisation of his attire:

Hair Color - What color is Sicarius ’s hair?

His hair is dark brown and almost looks black when not cleaned. However, his hair naturally is espresso or dark golden brown (if we want specifics)

Hair Style - How does Sicarius style their hair?

His hair is long and naturally rather wavy. However, being rather unkept maybe makes it that way. The length just touches the halfway mark of his neck. The curliness of it isn't puffy nor wavy but the kind when someone with thick hair gets wet from swimming etc...

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Sicarius have?

Though no independent prejudice exists, the basics apply along with a slight deviation.
- All human beings are equal regardless of wealth, achievements and class. The only thing which separates them are the instinct for survival, intelligence, curiosity, and ability to flee and fight.
"The animal which can hunt is usually better than the one being hunted but if the prey can think quicker than the predator runs, the hunt is useless."

  • extremists prejudice

  • High political/social figures are untrustworthy

  • Those who do not contribute to society enough

  • Heroes who aren't as charitable as seemed (cue disliking for Bruce and the Divergence)


Patient list of conditions/conditioning he has been under:
- Brainwashing of both 1st and 2nd degree
(1st) This means all memory of particular individuals, events and origins have been completely erased and can never be recovered this maybe because they would have been distracting or to grounding to human empathy and reaction.
(2nd) Knowledge and understanding are maintained but the emotion and will to maintain a good connection or to naturally care about is removed. It is slightly like a psychopath where they know what emotions are yet don't have any recollection of it themselves nor have a want to. This type of conditioning can be related to knowing people like characters from a book. You know about them, their troubles, their origins and desires but you don't really care for them. It's almost as if he sees people as just "not real". This can be related to his experiences of people.

  • Any sign of trauma, PTSD, guilt, remorse, regret, lust, greed, gluttony, pride, sloth have been removed/nullified.
    There is no room for emotions/reactions like this which will act as obstacles in this path of life. Though understanding of these emotions exists, the parts of the brain which will experience them have been altered so they cannot be felt. However, human instinct, primal responses and other feelings do exist as they can help fuel physical motions or certain challenges. This stops patients from becoming robotic in nature.

  • Obedience, Loyalty to cause and purpose have become the sole intention for this patient. It has almost become a lifeline, which is not good.
    Patients cannot deviate from a task or from rehabilitation, therefore must become completely loyal, strong-willed and obedient to any cause given. Though Sicarius has lived up to this concept, it has almost engulfed him (Which is why he couldn't become the Tau, reference history)

  • Now that the Facility has become redundant and purpose has slightly failed, we can see how hopelessness, confusion and isolation are taking its place. The patient is starting to reflect and question his abilities and loyalties. He's having a civil war with himself against the his rational, obedient, numb part of his mind to the now doubtful, vengeful, emotional side of his deviation. Every time he questions, he tries to silence his thoughts but this only tempts them further.

Personality type - What personality type is Sicarius ?

Prior Facility:
- Courageous, benevolent, determined
He led the riots on the streets during the Romanian revolution and had the bravery to withstand militia and military forces. He put others lives first, protected families and always tried to find new ways to overcome obstacles and poverty. He learnt how to function, disable, construct and de-construct firearms from manuals/ trial and error. He also taught himself to drive cars and tanks if the occasion ever arose. He also trained himself to fight and get into better shape to protect himself more.
- Intelligent, Cunning, Curious, Resourceful.
Alongside the self-taught skills, Cristofer proved his intelligence in memorising street plans, security layouts and set phrases in foreign languages. When he was abducted, he escaped the rope tied around his wrists from scrap metal in the truck then gained a hunting rifle from his abductor.
- Caring, Protective, Aggressive and slightly wild.
Growing up in a poverty-ridden, dictator state resulted in a strong sense of self-survival but also for those close to you. The rebellion he joined showed his more aggressive side which saw how he slightly enjoyed the violent nature of the uprising. He wasn't shy to show his aggression either and got slightly uncontrollable in the heat of things.

After Facility:
Whether we could argue that Sicarius has a personality could go on forever, listing the layers upon layers of his complex psyche and mental landscape, however, what I can say for sure for when the story progresses and he starts interacting with characters more, we can certainly see some traits beginning to reemerge
- Protective, Intelligent, Cunning, Resourceful
All previous elements of his unique self which made him a perfect soldier/asset have only been amplified by thousands to the point where we think inhuman.
- Lonely, Isolated, confused, angry and a mix of nulled emotion.
Though he does well to hide it, we can see more human emotions beginning to leak through this processed human being. It scares him slightly as the fibres and strings begin to unweave but little does he know that was the idea all along. The Facility never does anything for nothing.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Sicarius have?

- Crosswords, Puzzles and other mind games.
Though we do not see it, not hear of it, it is mentioned that Cristofer enjoyed playing games which challenged him and enjoyed the feeling of satisfaction they rewarded. We see in a scene where Sicarius looks at a crossword puzzle and is able to solve it pretty much immediately despite it being in English. Though one character mocks him for it, little do they know that has huge ties to his original self.
- Football and Physical training
Though the muscle gaining was more a necessity, football in Europe is pretty much unavoidable (trust me, I should know) therefore games were frequent on the streets. He seemed to be a good striker but also didn't mind the challenge of a goalkeeper.
- Hiking/Travelling.
Romania is renowned for having beautiful landscapes and especially where Cristofer lived, there was country galore. He would hike it with his brothers as children or spy on birds in trees. Though very innocent, his family and love for the outdoors are swiftly eliminated.

Though he doesn't have hobbies, he has many talents and skills to maintain which he does through training.

Talents - What talents does Sicarius have?

(I shall list and not go into full detail as I pretty much know. This is to remind me of the comparisons between him and Bruce)
- Marksman and mercenary. Lethal with all forms of firearms
- Is lethal with any form of weapon
- Can turn anything INTO a weapon (ladders, teddy bears, toothbrushes, anything.)
- Is trained in 230+ martial arts
- Parkour, free-running and urban travel
- Gymnastics, agility and Stealth.
- Disguise, acting, deceit
- Fluent in over 27 languages
- Incredible memory and versatile ability to obtain information
- Hacking and receiving of information
- Enhanced mental and physical attributes (Stamina, constitution {endurance during torture and pain tolerance}, speed, strength, dexterity, hormonal and nervous system is heightened etc...)
- Leadership qualities and benevolence.
- Intelligence in both scientific and emotional areas.
- Enhanced senses (hearing, sight, smell)
- Setting traps and hunting
- Going without sleep for over 2 weeks before micro naps are necessary.
- Circulation and Respiration cycles are enhanced where less oxygen is needed/more can be obtained. This results in being underwater for longer, running for longer and having constantly respiring muscle cells.
- Engineering and mechanical skills.
- Able to drive, fly and operate the majority of human vehicles.

Flaws - What flaws does Sicarius have?

  • Too obedient
    His devotion to the Facility and it's purposes (human preservation and strict, almost inhumane methods of justice and conservation). When the facility becomes redundant, it's almost like his purpose in life has been taken away. This results in him becoming isolated, slowly questioning his role in life and beginning to deviate from his original principles. This results in the suppression of emotion and normal human reaction. It also leads to him becoming slightly more aggressive and violent than necessary.

  • Numb to human emotion
    Life should be filled with both highs and lows and when they are taken away or nullified, it fills life with feelings of confusion and limbo of monotonous existing. Sicarius does not know how to react normally the way we would to traumatic or pressurising situations therefore this isolates him even more. Yet the feeling of sadness and loneliness which come with isolation are also nullified therefore an aggressive cycle is born. This results in him creating an opposition group against the divergence.

  • Violent and Brutal.
    After the Facility's conditioning, Sicarius has no hesitation to assassination, killing and termination of life. It's this lack of hesitation which makes him so deadly but also too quick to eliminate. His need to preserve life can also be contradicted by his unnecessary fatalities.

Motivations - What motivates Sicarius most?

  • The teachings of the Facility say that the main motivations of thei endeavour is being able to make decisions others can not. This includes severe medical, scientific experimentaion and documentation in order to push mankind forward and secure our missions in the future. Sicarius has been brainwashed into this concept.

  • The presentation of justice, human conservation and reasonable termination:
    Sicarius has been given a strict sense of justice. Though a lot of grey areas exist, he will kill/spare those he deems worthy. It is strange as one goal is to ensure humankind doesn't become hysterical or de-evolve so one way to ensure this is by eliminating to corrupted, leaving only the intelligent, variated and morally driven left.
    (In brief, words, kill the wrong, keep the right and don't look back.)

  • Finding a purpose
    After the Facility, Sicarius NEEDS to find a purpose to exist or continue his mission, therefore, becomes a vigilante/rogue executioner for a while. After running into the divergence, he realises he needs back-up of his own for a temporary period. This gives him a purpose of fighting and resisting rehabilitation from the divergence.

  • Finding out why he didn't become the Tau:
    Though Sicarius is not at all jealous or vengeful about not getting the dimension as his own (reference origin), he does have a slight curiosity of why he wasn't chosen. He looks through documents to see if that can be answered.

  • Discovering who he was
    Though the Facility eliminates all questions regarding origins and self-history, curiosity is one of the strongest forces of nature and mankind would not be where it is without it. It can never be fully nullified therefore after being in the real world for over a year, Sicarius has proposed the question of who was he before all of this? He has flashes of memory and certain areas of patchy knowledge but that's all. Like the Tau, he also occasionally searches to find out what his real name was and why the Facility chose him for this project.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Sicarius have?

At first, he had no mannerisms as it would give away what he was feeling or thinking but he has developed certain habits regarding how he fights and reacts.
- Sicarius is ambidextrous but seems to have a preference for his left hand/left foot.
- When in the company of others or out in the open, he usually makes himself smaller out of habit or seeks the shadows so he can hide.
- When waiting or listening, he will twiddle with whatever he has in his hands. This can be from a bullet, a knife etc..

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Sicarius ’s favorite color?

He does not have a favourite colour.

Religion - What religion does Sicarius practice?

Sicarius does not believe in any form of deity yet is knowledgable and has a great understanding of the many religions. He is also prepared for the existence of a God if it is proven.

Politics - What politics does Sicarius have?

Sicarius has had a history full of politics before the Facility but after his conditioning, he has been taught never to trust the governments of the world. They are all involved in something you don't want to be or start something which shouldn't exist.
The Facility (unknown to our protagonists) was actually partially known to the deepest depths of the government (Which the Facility ran).
He makes sure to know everything about politics which is currently happening and has tabs on main politicians and their whereabouts.
What he supports isn't really a question as he has been made not to get involved.

Occupation - What is Sicarius ’s occupation?

He is a facility patient and Generation X successful project, therefore, can be classified as an assassin/soldier/hitman or whatever you want.
In all honesty, we can't really say what Sicarius is apart from alone and deadly.

Favorite food - What is Sicarius ’s favorite food?

Prior Facility:
Ciorbă de burtă (Beef Tripe Soup)

After Facility:
Food is only practicality. He does not have one.

Favorite possession - What is Sicarius ’s favorite possession?

Any emotion of attachment is seen as an emotional set-back, therefore, he is unable to cherish any item yet he is fond of weapons and potential ones.

Favorite weapon - What is Sicarius ’s favorite weapon?

Sicarius has a personalised firearm which he has mechanically designed to be multi-tasked. It was originally a sniper rifle yet he has rigged an automated firing chamber alongside it allowing it to be deadly at both close and far range. There is a hidden knife within the handle which he can remove when it is needed. The firearm can alternate between long-range, deliberate fire shots and close range, rapid-fire shots.

Favorite animal - What is Sicarius ’s favorite animal?

He does not have one.

Job - What job does Sicarius have?

Sicarius does not really have a job.
He started under the Facility's name and then became a rogue.
He becomes a future "opponent" for the main protagonists.
He has never really had a place to below any point in his life.

date_range History
Background - What is Sicarius ’s background?

(It is important to note that Sicarius's background is not really displayed to the audience to add to his anonymity. However, I do have an origin for him to work from. His name is also never mentioned but I plan to drop easter eggs for it within the story.)

He was born in 1950 Sighisoara (City in Romania) as Cristofer Ioniță in a poverty-ridden area. He grew up surrounded by street crime and the consequences of a struggling economy. At the age of 23, he moved to Bucharest where he started to work low salary jobs. In 1979, he tried to join the army but was rejected to the communist rumours beginning to orbit the Romanian state. In 1981, the Romanian revolution was beginning to start and revolts in major cities were on the rise ( Cristofer began to join the revolution against the dictators of Romania and led gangs down the streets of Bucharest. His skills and courage were noticed by the Facility, how a kid raised from a background of irrelevance now is beginning to become an icon of his people. He trained himself to a sufficient level of fighting, handling and understanding of artillery and studied the mechanics of army vehicles and tactics to stand a chance against their resistance.

The Facility decided that on the day a major movement of political hierarchy would be the perfect opportunity to claim Cristofer as their own. During the Ceaușescus attempted helicopter extraction and the storming of the Communist party headquarters, Cristofer was present and was able to overpower the bodyguards alongside his fellow rebels. However, during this event, he was injured and knocked unconscious by an anonymous armoured militia but everyone was too focused on the fleeing leaders rather than a single individual.

Cristofer awoke to his limbs being tied up by rope and attached to the back of a truck being driven out into the rural parts of Romania, far away from Bucharest. The date was Christmas day, the same date that the Ceaușescus were to be executed therefore he must have been immobilised for a long time. In a desperate attempt to escape from what he thought were communist rogues taking him hostage, Cristofer was able to cut the loose bonds via a piece of sharp metal in the truck, grab a service rifle and started his escape into the forest of the country. The next hours consisted of a manhunt. He had to get out of their sights without been seen or heard.

However, luck was not on his side as the Facility is always five steps ahead. It was revealed it was all a test. The kidnapping, cat and mouse through the forest as they swiftly subdued him with a perfect shot to his left thigh. They just wanted to see if he was just as dynamic and resourceful as they needed and if he had that driving survival instinct buried deep within.

The next decades consisted of human experimentation, brainwashing, a human enhancing system far beyond any other scientific attempts assigned to Project Tau as X-41. They gave him the codename Sicarius and his entire history, identity and memories were wiped. They removed his fingerprints from any system and his hand, they made him kill his family to eliminate the opportunity of weakness. They were making him obedient, loyal, an assassin who could do whatever it took to keep the order of society and work within the threads of humanity, stitching them appropriately. They were also preparing him for something greater, ascended but it was revealed his obedience was what made him flawed for the experiment. Instead, it was Bruce, X-42, who would become the Tau in Project Ouroboros. (τ-1 or ∞-1)
Bruce, Cristofer and a woman called Amelia had formed a dying friendship within the Facility but that is a story for another origin…

During Insurgents Run, no one knew what happened to Sicarius as they all thought his loyalty would make him a non/easy target. They were wrong as it turned out he wasn't as thoughtless as he seemed, actually killing a few doctors on his escape to the real world where now he had no identity, past, place or purpose.
He worked rogue, making his way through the spiral of anarchy and killing any criminal or heathen he could find. His path kept entwining with Bruce's but his existence kept being denied by everyone.
Eventually, he decided to make a group of his own, acting as the "supervillain" group of Bruce's heroes. Here he became the leader, though still mostly uncooperating and distant from his "allies".

He acts as the opposite of the protagonist Bruce and is one of the most complex characters I have made. His ending is bittersweet as he eventually does help Bruce in fighting the shared threat but then decides to leave their problems to rest and is unable to gain his purpose. The last we see of him is the uncertainty of his future as he says farewell and disappears over the rooftops. Forever gone.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Sicarius have?

He does not own pets yet respects animals. They share basic and reasonable primal instincts and have not contributed towards the decline of the planet. He rarely kills animals.

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

  • Him and Bruce have a complex friendship/ nemesis

  • He wouldn't really classify as a villain

  • He is rarely underestimated

  • Remember the scene where Sicarius beats Bruce at hand to hand combat. Of course, Bruce could kill him with the dimension but if he uses it, it proves he needs it to beat Sicarius, therefore making Sicarius the superior.

flare Abilities/Powers
new_releases Weaknesses
remove_red_eye Attire
border_color Storyline
Character chevron_right Arch-enemies link linked Sicarius

This character was created by Morosis on

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