info Overview
Name - What is Tieg Saito’s full name?

Tieg Saito

Role - What is Tieg Saito’s role in your story?


Gender - What is Tieg Saito’s gender?


Age - How old is Tieg Saito?


face Looks
Height - How tall is Tieg Saito?


Weight - How much does Tieg Saito weigh?

136 pounds

Linked Races

date_range History
Birthday - When is Tieg Saito’s birthday?

April 7th

Background - What is Tieg Saito’s background?

Born to the city that would eventually become host to The Adventurer's Guild, Tieg grew up surrounded by Guild and its adventurers. She always displayed a talent for languages, mastering 3 different ones before she was a teenager, and the Guild encouraged this skill because they knew they'd need translators.

By the time she was 16 Tieg was working for the Guild in that capacity and studying dead languages or those with few native speakers led her into being able to translate those as well from artifacts brought in and other such things. This has made her important to the guild, and earned her the title of Head Translator for the Adventurer's Guild.

In her spare time Tieg also teaches those interested in ancient, dead, and endangered languages. It's the least she can do so that maybe someday when she's gone her knowledge won't be lost with her.

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