info Overview
Name - What is Damon Ila’s full name?

Damon Ila

Role - What is Damon Ila’s role in your story?

Onyx's Combat Partner

Gender - What is Damon Ila’s gender?


Age - How old is Damon Ila?


face Looks
Height - How tall is Damon Ila?


Weight - How much does Damon Ila weigh?

130 lbs

Race - What is Damon Ila’s race?


Linked Races

date_range History
Birthday - When is Damon Ila’s birthday?

29th of Nyar, 216 Prophecy

Background - What is Damon Ila’s background?

Born to a fairly prominent family in Gravebridge, Damon wanted more for himself. Despite knowing the risks when he came of age he went to attend the Tempest Combat Academy and was paired as a dragon rider with Onyx Rune. It's hard work, but Damon hopes to be one of the few humans to graduate and use his skills and title to move up in life.

device_hub Family
edit Notes



This character was created by Sigilmancy on

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