info Overview
Name - What is Lady Octavia’s full name?

Lady Octavia

Age - How old is Lady Octavia?


Gender - What is Lady Octavia’s gender?


Role - What is Lady Octavia’s role in your story?

Dragon Lady

face Looks
Race - What is Lady Octavia’s race?


Height - How tall is Lady Octavia?

Human Form - About 5ft, 3in

Hair Color - What color is Lady Octavia’s hair?

Human Form - Dark Blue, almost black

Hair Style - How does Lady Octavia style their hair?

Extremely long, straight

Eye Color - What is Lady Octavia’s eye color?

Bright yellow

Body Type

Human Form - Average Slender

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Lady Octavia have?

Scars along her neck
Her right front leg is crippled

Human form she occasionally limps
Retains her fangs, forked tongue, and tail
Can willingly make her wings and horns appear

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Lady Octavia?

Sweet, gentle

groups Social
info History
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history Changelog
edit Notes

A sweet and gentle young dragonelle. She had been well-known for her singing voice at one time. Unfortunately though, Octavia lost her voice due to an attack.
She was alone near a stream that ran through her territory. The dragonelle was singing softly when Tharramin Thar attacked her. Being smaller and not expecting the other, cruel dragon, Octavia's chances would've been none if not another Dragon Lord had appeared.
The Dragon Lord managed to buy Octavia enough time for the her to escape. The Lord sacrificed himself, dying to Thar's poison and fangs.
Octavia escaped, but not without her own wounds. The other dragon had crippled Octavia's right front leg, so she is often seen limping. Thar had also managed to graze her throat with his claws, so she bears scars along her neck. The worse Octavia has to deal with is the poison she had breathed in. The toxin mangled her vocal cords, making it impossible for her to ever speak again.
No longer is her gentle song heard...

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