info Overview
Name - What is Sasha Kostor’s full name?

Sasha Kostor

Gender - What is Sasha Kostor’s gender?


Age - How old is Sasha Kostor?


Role in Works

Important character in untitled quest plot

Role - What is Sasha Kostor’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Sasha Kostor go by?

Alexander (full name)
Alex (unfavored nickname)

face Looks
Race - What is Sasha Kostor’s race?


Linked Races

Skin Tone

Tanned Caucasian

Body Type

Average build and height. Muscular shoulders/upper torso from his training in archery.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Sasha Kostor have?

Mole on left brow, scar on lip.

Weight - How much does Sasha Kostor weigh?


Height - How tall is Sasha Kostor?

5' 11"

Hair Color - What color is Sasha Kostor’s hair?

Honey brown

Hair Style - How does Sasha Kostor style their hair?

Man bun (told often to change it)

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Sasha Kostor have?

Light stubble, mostly concentrated on his chin. He will let it grow out slightly, but trims it back before it reaches true "beard" length.

Eye Color - What is Sasha Kostor’s eye color?


fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Sasha Kostor?

Generally nice and easy to get along with , but kind of moody. When he is happy he is fun and energetic, but his short depressive states are very unpleasant for those he is around. As a result, he tends to shut himself off or repress his mood to keep others in high spirits.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Sasha Kostor have?

Sasha likes to ride his horse and take walks through the forest. He dabbles in woodwork occasionally, but is admittedly pretty bad at it.

Talents - What talents does Sasha Kostor have?

Sasha is a natural born leader. He is a brilliant strategist and can easily pick up on others strengths and play on them to get the best results.
He is also a skilled archer, earning him a high position in the Royal Guard's archery division.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Sasha Kostor have?

I'm still thinking abt this one

Flaws - What flaws does Sasha Kostor have?

Blindly trusts those in power, has a hard time separating himself from situations and seeing things from an objective, impersonal point of view. Takes criticism (and really everything) way too personally.

Motivations - What motivates Sasha Kostor most?

He is motivated by his desire to protect his home and family. Though they are not in immediate danger, the thought of change or future strife befalling them stresses Sasha. He grows quickly attached to others, and as his group of friends grows, his motivations stretch out to include them as well.

groups Social
Job - What job does Sasha Kostor have?

To protect Princess Seraphine Tellmont as her personal guard, but also to assist the archer's division of the Ibrelasian army with strategy formation.

Religion - What religion does Sasha Kostor practice?

None/ not important to the story

Politics - What politics does Sasha Kostor have?

He stands with the King on most of his policies, keeps any disagreements with him to himself.

Occupation - What is Sasha Kostor’s occupation?

Squadron Strategist for the Royal Guard of Ibrelas and Personal Guard for Princess Seraphine

Favorite color - What is Sasha Kostor’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Sasha Kostor’s favorite food?

Fae fruit, though he can only eat so much with his human stomach.

Favorite possession - What is Sasha Kostor’s favorite possession?

He values his books above all else.

Favorite weapon - What is Sasha Kostor’s favorite weapon?

Bow and arrows

Favorite animal - What is Sasha Kostor’s favorite animal?

He likes horses, having always been tasked with cleaning the stables at his family's inn.

Languages spoken

date_range History
Background - What is Sasha Kostor’s background?

Born in Shole, a tiny country in the eastern hills of Dryst, to a small family. He has an older brother (Maven) and much younger sister (Rosalba) who both still live with his parents. His parents are Innkeepers in Shole's capital city of Galae and make a considerable profit from their trade. He was always a bit of an outsider in his small town of homebodies for loving adventure, which was also a great stressor for his parents when he would wander off constantly at a young age. Maven grew extremely protective of him after he went missing while under his care, almost more so than his already concerned parents.
To remedy his brother's now extremely watchful gaze, Sasha started to sneak out at night through his room's third story window and wander through the woods that neighbored his family's inn. It was on one of these midnight escapades that he stumbled upon a group of traveling knights, who he spied on for several hours. During this time, he heard them share tales of adventures and secrets about well-told battles and missions before he was undoubtedly caught. The knights were more exasperated than upset at being spied on by a nine year old, so they sent him home with some harsh words and a newfound interest in the royal guard. He stopped sneaking out after that, but subsequently worried his family even more by obsessing over knights and begging his parents for archery lessons.
Mostly just to get Sasha to be quite for ten minutes, his parents found him some training with Galoran, a local sportsman (definition being someone who hunts for sport), when he was twelve. He took to the skill very quickly, and by the age of fourteen he left for the Royal Capital of Ibrelas to get more specialized archery training for the Royal Guard (much to his family's chagrin).
At fifteen he was officially made a squire to the knight Garroway, the head archer for the Royal Guard of Ibrelas, and he then met the reclusive Seraphine Tellmont, who was still grieving the death of her eldest brother, Wyndam Tellmont. In his spare time, he made a point of giving Seraphine company and a shoulder to cry on while she sorted out her thoughts and emotions. The two became fast friends, and when he was officially knighted three years later, the King appointed him as Seraphine's personal guard, as well as a royal archer.
A year later sees the beginning of the plot.

Birthday - When is Sasha Kostor’s birthday?

Late December

Education - What is Sasha Kostor’s level of education?

He is traditionally educated and had a decent amount of training in archery as a child, though he mostly used it in the context of a sport than as a battle tactic (his training for the guard mostly focused on translating his sportsman skills for battle).

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Sasha Kostor have?

His stallion, Chestnut

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Family tree (you will have to copy and paste the link):

loyalty Clothing
flare Magical Abilities
wc Relationships
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