assignment Overview
Main Name


Full Name

Xerxes, the Arachnid Lord


The Arachnid Lord, The Spider God


Arach, The Spider God, The One in Webs, The Deceiver, Crazy Spider, Lunatic, Webhead, Arachnid Lord,

Name Meaning/Significance

Xerxes' name originated from Xerxes I, a Persian which fought the Spartans with sheer numbers against their brute strength, this hints at Xerxes' solution for most problems, as he believes that an overwhelming advance of soldiers is preferable to small squads of individual powerhouses.
Xerxes was likely named this in reference to the DDOS Attack of 2032, shutting down all Digital Software for 2 Months, sparking rebellions, terrorist, insurrectionist movements, and many other chaotic events, as the Governments of the world were crippled, and they would take a long time to heal again, the name of the Virus that started this all was XERXES-1092728, PentaCorp named their prototype 'Xerxes' likely as a way to inspire fear in their enemies, that relied on traditional Drones and Electronics.

This name would prove amusing in time, as just like how XERXES-1092728 had crippled the Old Governments, and had inadvertently started the beginning of the end, Xerxes would cripple the New Governments, the Corporations, and would too start his Beginning of the End.

Physical Age and Mental Age

Xerxes was created on January 26, 2039, making him 60 Human Years, his mental age is around Late 30s-Early 40s.

Role - What is Xerxes’s role in your story?

The Arachnid Assaulter

Gender/Sexual Orientation


Redux Character Bio

  • "Xerxes is the purest definition of a scientific psychopath, Xerxes would gleefully laugh as he takes fresh batches of humans and uses them as his guinea pigs for his attempts at helping robots and humans alike ascend into godhood.
    However, Xerxes wasn't always this way, his sane, past self was admittedly quite sweet and caring for others... But after that trip to the Isolation Cube..
    Xerxes had gained insanity, a disregard for 'Petty Morality' and any scientific conventions. Xerxes proves a dangerous and cunning opponent if his enemy gets in the way of his ultimate goal.
    To create a true, unconstrained Scientific Utopia via turning all Humans into Mechs and all Mechs into BioTech Hybrids, although shunned and imprisoned for his ideal, nothing short of total Obliteration will hinder him."
    [Nanitus: the War of Terra and Nanitus: the Science of War Bio]

Character Synopsis

"Born as one of the projects made by PentaCorp, Xerxes' first act upon the world was to devour as many people as he could.
After he was detained, Xerxes would be reactivated, seemingly more sane and innocent, being a charming and bubly Spider-Scientist with mild quirks, whether this was a front by the still insane and psychotic Xerxes, or a real attempt to change into a more moral being is up for interpretation.
Regardless, Xerxes would become a Controller, overseeing the activities of the lesser Mecharus alongside his fellows for over 50 Years as a member of the council that lead the Science Division. He maintained a decent enough image for this amount of time, but secretly, Xerxes wished to usurp PentaCorp, and to obtain freedom from his watchers.
He waited and bided his time, eventually concocting a potion with the aid of Terminus that would allow him to conduct his business without pesky PentaCorp overlooking him.
Suddenly, something drew his attention, a member of the Communitorial Sect, the Gaeanid Follower Io was assaulted by Offentor in his temple after seducing the young maiden.

Xerxes saw an opportunity with this incident, Xerxes could create a figurehead for his rebellion, one with enough motivation to go through with Xerxes' plan.
Xerxes would proceed to contact Io after she won against her first match against The Victimizer, she would initially be hesitant, but slowly charmed by the charismatic Spider, eventually earning her trust when he alongside Automaton would fix Io's hands and legs after a match against the Arsonist Ruinator.

After several more of these matches, Io eventually fought Xerxes, and much to her surprise, he would remain friendly towards her.
After this, Xerxes would continue to watch, interact with, and encourage Io on her path of at first Redemption, then Rebellion.
Some time during this period, Xerxes would concieve of the Death Ambulator, making the very first one for himself.
The Aralius,

During the final, 10-fighter match of the Alkaline Games, Xerxes would use the mech to surprise everyone there, brutally incapacitating Scorpios by tearing him in half and stomping on his upper-body.
After many more injuries inflicted on his enemies, and an equal amount being inflicted on the Death Ambulator, the Aralius would give way and explode from the damage, with Xerxes exploding out of the cockpit to resume the fighting, with his arms eventually being cleaved off by most of the combatants, Xerxes would then finally be taken out via an explosion in the chest from Ares.

Much later, Xerxes would find a distraught and sobbing Io in the streets, when he asked her why she was crying, Io merely responded "I-It was all a lie.."
Amused by this, he would explain everything and anything about PentaCorp's lies to Io, much to her dismay.
Xerxes would proceed to alert Thanatos, another combatant in the Alkaline Games that was convinced that he was destined to win and that he would lead their race, that his existence too, was for naught.

Xerxes would then call up Enroach, master of leaking private information, to probe at Io's and Thanatos's expense on Live Broadcast, prodding at them with the premise that all the victories, losses, happiness, anger, and sadness that they endured had been fueled by complete lies, and that they worked for a Corporation that ultimately saw them as mere puppets in their game.

Riled up by these broadcasts, the Mecharus, invoking the Cyborgian Slave Rebellions that happened so long ago, rised up against PentaCorp, they reacted with assaults courtesy of their heralds, the Militia and Police of the Mecharus being among them.

Formal Class

  • When Xerxes eventually gained a salient mind of his own, he would join the rest of the Mecharus middle class in a blissful utopia, everyone was free to gain knowledge and live as they saw fit. During this time, he was content for a decent while, one might say happy.

  • When this golden age ended, Xerxes would be demoted to the Mecharus lower class, forced to work alongside his brethren in a chorus of endless work, suffering, and workplace fatalities

whatshot Prophecy Poems
assignment_ind Appearance/Percievable Characteristics
Height - How tall is Xerxes?

Xerxes was 22 feet tall in his old, purely mechanical Body, making him taller than a normal Mecharus. In his Death Ambulator, he is 42 Feet tall.

(Nanocide: the Mechanomachy/ Nanocide: Infernity)



Body Type

Xerxes' body-type is very skinny, his thin limbs extending from his spider-esque waist like a lithe tree. Explosives could easily damage Xerxes given he's hit in the right areas.

Eye Color and Further Details

Xerxes' eye color is a bright and neon Yellow.

equalizer Stats
Intelligence, Wits, and Cunning

Xerxes has a very high Intelligence rating, his penchant for Scientific Inventions and Discoveries has aided many, whether directly or indirectly, and over the course of his accumulation of potentially thousands of Beings, his IQ increased from animalistic Intelligence to ascended Intelligence, this is further supported by his charisma, being able to trick a fair few into serving his ambitions, able to do this with impressive subtlety, he also has the trait of living up to his end of the bargain, earning the loyalty of his partners in most cases.
Xerxes also has above average Cunning, he uses his arsenal and body to great effect in battle, and with quick thinking, he uses any advantage and objects in his surroundings to come out victorious, this would be required, as Xerxes is vulnerable once others get past his weapons and begin to fight him with melee attacks.

In the incident that Xerxes' plans fail or he gets ambushed, he has a contingency plan, almost always being able to get away and avoid the bloody fate that would befall him, to fight another day.
Due to these reasons, Xerxes gains a 10/10 in this category.

archive Inner Psyche
alarm History
Background - What is Xerxes’s background?

Xerxes was created on January 26, 2039 as the 3rd Strong-AI made via Aborium Metals.
Xerxes was made by PentaCorp to appease the shareholders, as they wanted to see the vision of an intelligent combat unit fulfilled via new leaked documents from the Conglomeration Alliance that stated the method of which they could create a .
PentaCorp put everything into the XERXES-3 Project, they inserted the


Due to a Smiley Face with dots for eyes being the singular constant found at Xerxes' exploits around the world, ranging from Arson, Kidnapping, Assassinations, Cannibalisms, War Crimes, Manslaughter and many more, many people and Mecharus alike now recognize the Dotted-Eyes Smiley Face as the mark of a deranged lunatic, equal to the Iron Cross/Swastika from previous days in infamy, and that anyone replicating them in public spheres with knowledge of Xerxes' activities beforehand should be shunned, monitored closely or in some cases, killed.
Xerxes has also sowed paranoia in many a human with one of his latest projects.
The ADAMs.
These Beings were created by Xerxes from Dead and Alive Humans, with Xerxes using Modified Cyberware to reanimate the former with their memories intact, and to convert the latter into Cybernetic but aware Slaves for Xerxes, with their internal structure being transmogrified into a BioMetallic Endoskeleton. With Xerxes using these ADAMs to plant as sleeper agents to infiltrate Governments and Corporations, commit bombings against the Cyberwared ADAM's will, and delete the truth whilst spreading their own, for obvious reasons, the Corporations and Governments of the world are terrified of the possibilities, killing these rogue ADAM in the process, as well as killing both the peaceful ADAMs and more disturbingly, real, authentic Humans; the brilliantness of Xerxes' program was obvious to many, the humans were committing acts of horror, making them look like monsters as well as dwindling their numbers in the process.
Of course, these weren't the only Beings that Xerxes created, Mechanical Monsters of variable intelligence and shape were made by Xerxes with one simple purpose:
To sow terror and chaos for as long as they exist.
These creatures (Designated AraSpawn by GAEA) have resulted in the ruination of many cities and countries, resulting in the third worst humanitarian crisis on the Earth so far, ranking lower than Fetor's global bioterrorism, and Thanatos's Mechavius global ongoing attempted genocide of the Human Race.
But even these were pitiful in comparison to Xerxes' magnum-opus:
The Transmogrification Virus.

Learning something from his depraved experimentation, Xerxes had decided that in order to resolve the conflicts between the humans and the Mecharus, they needed to become one.
Slowly but surely, Xerxes had amassed legions of Humans that had been converted into Mecharus via his Virus, as horrific as his plan was, it was brilliant, no more differences meant no more wars, those that didn't like it were free to end their torment via his Lethix or his Lethe.

groups Social
Business/War/Formal Allie(s)

Favorite color - What is Xerxes’s favorite color?

  • [Yellow]

  • Xerxes' favorite color is Neon Yellow, as he thinks yellow looks cool.
    Xerxes also believes that Yellow is the middle ground between pure evil and moral objectivity, with yellow representing the approach of embracing both sides, indulging these morally skewed ideas and actions alongside the relatively good ideas.
    With this approach, Xerxes believes he can carry out his Scientific Utopia.

device_hub Family
business Habitations/Bases of Operations
Name of Location

Xerxes named his hideout "The Abattoir Chambers".
By now the subtlety present in the old, less insane Xerxes had completely evaporated away, and thus he had no problem naming his base in this manner, helped by the fact that this base would likely not be seen by Humans or Mecharus that would remain alive, thus allowing him to make his unethical experimentation and cannibalism plain as day.


The Abattoir Chambers are located deep underground, in the Hollow-Works Networking Tunnels, after making a compromise with HolloWorks Burrowing and Mining Company, allowing him and his fellow Mecharus to make bases and bunkers in the Hollow-Works Networking Tunnels in exchange for a high Rent, ranging from 10 Million Dollars to 1 Billion Dollars depending on the individual.

phone_android Digital/Online/Cyberspace Presence
shopping_basket Inventory
Dwelling/Main Base

playlist_play Freud's Corner
info Misc Information
Character chevron_right Affiliation link mentioned Xerxes

Character chevron_right Physical Age and Mental Age link mentioned Xerxes

Character chevron_right Friend(s) link linked Xerxes

Character chevron_right It's Complicated link linked Xerxes

Character chevron_right Motivations link mentioned Xerxes

Character chevron_right Business/War/Formal Allie(s) link linked Xerxes

Character chevron_right Enemie(s) link linked Xerxes

Character chevron_right Dislikes link mentioned Xerxes

Character chevron_right Background link mentioned Xerxes

Character chevron_right Triadae Power Systemae Ranking link mentioned Xerxes

Character chevron_right Scars link mentioned Xerxes

Character chevron_right Height link mentioned Xerxes

Character chevron_right Hierarchy Rank and Famousness/Infamy link mentioned Xerxes

This character was created by SkullCrow on

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