info Overview
Name - What is Lazarus Rivers ’s full name?

Lazarus Rivers

Name etymology

Lazarus is a Hebrew name that means God is my help


  • Laz


October 28, 1994

Age - How old is Lazarus Rivers ?


Race - What is Lazarus Rivers ’s race?

Human (Clairvoyant)

Gender - What is Lazarus Rivers ’s gender?

Male (he/him)



Role - What is Lazarus Rivers ’s role in your story?

  • Husband to Autumn

  • Mission mapper (Knows the area well)

  • Take care of the weapons

(Doesn't go on missions; his wife stays with him)

face Looks

Ethnicity: His mom is Japanese and his dad is American

Race: 1/2 Asian (Japanese), 1/2 Caucasian (American)

Weight - How much does Lazarus Rivers weigh?

139 lbs

(63 kg)

Height - How tall is Lazarus Rivers ?


Hair Style - How does Lazarus Rivers style their hair?

He has unkempt hair that is of medium length

Hair Color - What color is Lazarus Rivers ’s hair?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Lazarus Rivers have?


Eye Color - What is Lazarus Rivers ’s eye color?


Facial features

He has dark eyebrows, monolid eyes, a thin nose, and heavy lower lips. He has an upwards triangle face.

Body Type

He’s on the short side with a wiry build. He has sloping shoulders and small, calloused hands.

Skin Tone

Laz has a fawn skin tone

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Lazarus Rivers have?

Laz has a large scar on his back, right between L1 and L2 of his spine



chat Voice and footsteps
local_offer Outfits


Shirt: A white button-up with accents of black and gold. Also wears a black tie and black suspenders or shoulder straps

Belt: A black leather one

Pants: Black jeans with chains hanging from it

Shoes: Heavy lace-up work boots

Jewelry: A silver ring on his ring finger

Other: Has forearm crutches for an accident when he was little resulting damage to the lower spine


A white hoodie with a brown fleece jacket over top. He wears dark joggers with gym shoes. He has forearm crutches for an accident when he was little resulting damage to the lower spine





fingerprint Nature
healing Conditions

Damage to the lower spine cause temporary paralysis (Being stabbed by demon made it worse)

groups Social
date_range History

Before Laz was born:

Enoch found Renée confused to all hell. He thought her to be Clairvoyant and, without proper introduction, took her hand and ran off. He introduced her to the clairvoyant world. Enoch claimed to ‘know it all’. He made assumptions about her parents, theorizing one to be a carrier and the other a clairvoyant. Renée shyly told him she moved to the U.S., Renée being Japanese. Enoch tried to make Renée feel at home in the world she was lonely in for years. After a couple of years, they come to get married. However, the bureau was cognizant of Enoch and started to harass him about joining them. He’d constantly refuse, even when they begged him not to run or guilt-trip him. Enoch himself was an FBI agent, so he had been around the bend with inhumans. Renée and Enoch had a child in 1994.

Laz’s story:

Lazarus Rivers was born to Enoch and Renée in 1994. His childhood was hectic, with his father coming home with wild stories to tell. When Laz was 7, he broke his ankle. His father was associated with the inhuman world, knowing a witch who could heal it. Enoch took his son to a cabin in the woods. A witch named Piper lived there. Laz was scared of the witch, trying to run away on his snapped ankle. His father begrudgingly held him down, letting Piper heal his ankle. After that encounter, he gained respect for inhumans.


Around when Laz was 10, life declined. A werewolf attacked his mother while his family was out hiking. His father shouted at him to run while trying to save his mom. Laz ran as fast as he could, stumbling down the trail. Enoch abandoned his wife, decreeing it was already too late to save her, for she was most likely already dead. Instead, he grabbed Laz, running miles to Piper’s house. Piper let the family stay for years, and Laz saw Piper as a mother figure. He spent his time playing in the mud or climbing trees around her estate. However, when Laz was 11, he fell from one of these trees, injuring his spine. A disc slipped, injuring the nerves surrounding the area. Piper attempted to fix the injury, but could not in the long run. After that major injury, he developed muscle weakness. Laz relied on arm crutches. Piper bestowed an enchanted necklace to Laz, one that would let him warp reality and see through illusions. It was for his utmost protection and to hide from dangerous inhumans.

At the age of 14, Laz was out gardening with his father. Unbeknownst to the pair, a demon had been tracking them and tried to murder Enoch. Enoch screamed for Laz to go east. Run to the best of his ability. And that is what Laz did as his father was slain. He struggled, not able to traverse through rough terrain, but eventually, a patrol found him scratched and roughed up. Once taken to Jules to get healed, he told him how both his parents were killed, being a part of the River’s family. Jules understood immediately, starting Laz on his journey as a field agent and setting him up for some physical therapy. During this time, he met his future wife, Autumn, and her younger brother.

Later in his life, he married Autumn. While out on a patrol with Autumn, Laz was stabbed in the back by the same demon that killed his dad (At 24), resulting in temporary paralysis. Laz was visited by Enoch and Renee in a dream during his surgery. He cried it wasn’t his time, and Enoch told him it wasn’t his sweet baby's time. Tavi watched in the background, but he knew Laz could see him. 

Status within Government records

Status: Whereabouts unknown; presumed MIA along with father

device_hub Family

Renée Rivers - Mom

Enoch Rivers (Knew his way around the clairvoyant world) - Dad

power Abilities

He has something called clairvoyance or rarely the second sight. This second sight was originally given by angels (By the leader changing Ira's creation's visual cortex slightly), but since has become a genetic asset. 2 out of 160,000 have it. He can see the supernatural world and through human disguises. It changed the perception of the optical lobe, making them aware of the inhuman side. Most are usually mistakenly diagnosed with schizophrenia and hallucinations by doctors.

It's not power but thought I’d just put it here.



headset Quotes
audiotrack Music
border_color Trivia

  • Laz thinks his gift (clairvoyance) is a curse

  • Laz is sad boi

  • Laz uses arm crutches because of his temporary paralysis. He had those arm crutches for an accident when he was little resulting damage to the lower spine but the stabbing made everything worse

  • Laz thinks Tavi as sweet

  • Laz is great at puzzles and connecting ideas in his mind

  • Laz is fucking Canadian

edit Notes

Is the brains behind every operation and council meeting


This character was created by Livs like playing around with literary techniques on

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