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Lisette Fionuir Calvert

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Cis Female



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Character Form

Name: Lisette Fionuir Calvert
Nickname: Lisii
Age: 16
Gender: Cis Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Straight
Race: Human, Russian/French

Appearance: Lisii's eyes are sharp and angular. They look like they pierce right through your soul, sometimes coming off as a glare, even though that's her resting face more than half the time. She radiates a calm yet intimidating aura. Lisii has hazel green eyes, a bit of brown towards the middle, but mostly overtaken by olive green. Her nose is short, the bridge thin, and the tip being soft, somewhat wide, but not extremely so. Lisii's lips are medium-full, small, but plump. Because of her light complexion, she blushes easily and there is a constant redness in her cheeks, caused by a condition known as Rosacea. She tries to manage the extreme redness by applying a plethora of skin products, which sometimes help, but more often than not she simply covers it up with make-up, going in light on some days so as to not irritate her sin more, other times, she goes in full coverage to get rid of the redness. Lisii's face is heart-shaped, her features soft, and not having defined cheekbones. Her jawline is noticeable but it isn't sharp as some others.
Lisii's hair is a very pale blonde, bordering on being white, almost a platinum blonde, but there are hints of gold, her more natural color as she tends to dye it a lighter color than it already is. Her hair is long, coming down to her waist. It's silky and healthy as she takes good care of it and has the means to. It lays flat against her back, being straight, but sometimes in bouncy curls when she irons it, mostly curling it when she's going somewhere important or wants to make a good impression.

She styles it by pinning some pieces back, curling her bangs so they look neat and presentable, but letting her hair fall naturally. Sometimes she puts it up in a half ponytail, still liking her hair to be in its natural state. She doesn't do much to it, as it already looks very good the way it is, in her opinion, but sometimes she'll go for more elaborate hairstyles when she's in the mood, these get done at a hair salon.

Lisii stands at 5'7 and wieghs 135 lbs. More of a mesomorph body type, being slightly curvy, going onto an hourglass shape, but not quite there as there is sort of boxy attributes to her stature considering how thin she is.

Clothes: Lisii wears light flowy dresses, but more describing the material than the shape of the clothes. The dresses are usually a solid color, sometimes having flowery patterns on them. Her color schemes are light greens, beige, very pastel yellows, light purplish blues, and other vintage colors.

Lisii likes her dresses loose on her skin so it doesn't feel as constricting as her other clothes, which are usually skin-tight. Her favorite go-to clothes are french floral mini dresses, oftentimes with a square neckline, it's both simple yet elegant. Giving off a spring vibe.

For shoes, she'll wear high heels for formal events and shorter casual heels for doing her day-to-day activities. On occasion, she'll wear flats with ankle straps to match certain dresses.

Condition(s) (if any): None.

Personality: Lisii is your typical arrogant, thinks-she's-better-than-everyone girl. She's poised, disciplined, and tolerates no disrespect. She can be sarcastic in the meanest way, showing visible disgust for people she dislikes, but willing to friend someone she thinks is better than her or who shows to be on her same level. She's not a mean girl per se, as she doesn't go after others needlessly, she only goes after those who are annoying to the point of getting on everyone's nerves. Sometimes she finds the weird kids, well, weird, and does pick on them, but in more of a light-hearted manner, though, sometimes it does not come off like that.
When you get on her good side she can be incredibly sweet, caring for those she holds dear and close to her heart. She'll smile more often and show the fragile vulnerable parts of herself to those she trusts. Lisii mostly minds her own business and holds a calm demeanor and only uses her status when needed, not rubbing it in other people's faces as she was raised better, though, she does pride herself on coming from a more wealthy family.

One thing about Lisii is she's pretty good at getting what she wants, as taught by her father, either by power or by her own means. She is not above seducing someone if she has to, it's not her favorite thing to do, but if she really wants something, she will resort to it. She learned early on to get as much leverage as she can to succeed in the world.
If someone tries to challenge her, she'll more than likely put them in their place. When she can't, she accepts defeat but makes a mental note to pay them back at a later date.
Lisii isn't a sad soul, or even a broken soul despite her recent loss, but still, she is human and does cry and get hurt, especially when she gets her heart broken because it takes a lot for her to let someone in. She's very guarded, another thing she was taught from an early age, so she doesn't make it a habit to date one after another, in fact, she's only dated one other person her whole life.

Background: Lisii comes from an incredibly rich family, the Calverts. Her older brother is an investor, sometimes helping in the trading of goods. He took over the family businesses when he was eighteen after his rebellious stage.
Lisii finds inspiration in this and wants to do what her brother didn’t get to do. She wants to live her life her way, and be free, but her father is a very strict man, there is no room for error with him, and punishes those who do not follow the rules. Surprisingly so, he has a soft spot for Lisii as she is his only daughter. He has been there present for her since she was a kid, spoiling her and spending as much time as he can with her, something he did not do with Aaron, Lisii's brother.
Her mother was a soft gentle creature, teaching Lisii the ways of womanhood and what it meant to be a proper lady, though, no matter how much Lisii's mother tried to teach Lisii to be humble, it never stuck, as her father taught her to be unapologetically herself, even if it meant that others didn't like it.
Lisii's mother passed away when she was eleven from Leukemia, she never got medical attention, not because they couldn't but because Lisii's mother requested to not receive any treatment, as she believed this was the natural order of things.

Other: https://pin.it/4Ik3Icz

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This character was created by Daiz Tadhg on Notebook.ai.

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