info Overview
Name - What is Jolene Ivanov’s full name?

Jolene Ivanov


Poker Alice

Age - How old is Jolene Ivanov?

Biological Age: 49
Physical Age: 33

Gender - What is Jolene Ivanov’s gender?


Role - What is Jolene Ivanov’s role in your story?

Badass Inventor




Battle Star - Allows its user to deliver a series of constant strength enhancing blows. As long as Jolyne continues attacking her opponent without interruption, each consecutive blow receives an additional 200 pounds (90 kg) of force compared to the previous one.
Drawback(s): If the chain of attacks is interrupted then it resets and she has to restart her count once more. If Jolyne uses Battle Star 40 times within a short span of time, she will be unable to use her curse for a minimum of 30 minutes.

face Looks
Weight - How much does Jolene Ivanov weigh?

130 lbs/58.9 kg

Height - How tall is Jolene Ivanov?


Hair Color - What color is Jolene Ivanov’s hair?

Light Brown

Hair Style - How does Jolene Ivanov style their hair?

She has mid-length hair that reaches to her neck that is styled with bangs that cover the right side of her forehead.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Jolene Ivanov have?


Eye Color - What is Jolene Ivanov’s eye color?

Dark Brown

Race - What is Jolene Ivanov’s race?



French American

Skin Tone


Body Type

Curvy and Muscular

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Jolene Ivanov have?

Small scars, a huge scar across her torso, and a star tattoo on her left shoulder



Clothing Style

70's fashion

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Jolene Ivanov have?

Expresses anger at the drop of a hat

Motivations - What motivates Jolene Ivanov most?

To never be poor again, Her family

groups Social
date_range History
device_hub Family
Location chevron_right Inhabitants link linked Jolene Ivanov

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