info Overview
Name - What is Ashwater’s full name?


Type - What type of location is Ashwater?


Description - Describe Ashwater.

A city with a quiet suburb and busy downtown.

face Culture
Language - What languages are spoken in Ashwater?

English (Mostly); Other languages

Population - What is Ashwater’s population?


Currency - What currencies are used in Ashwater?

USD (United States Dollar)

Motto - What is Ashwater’s motto?

Power, progress, peace.

Laws - What are the laws in Ashwater?

Normal US laws

business Cities
map Geography
Area - What kind of area is Ashwater in?


Located at - Where is Ashwater located?

Ohio, United States

Climate - What is the climate like in Ashwater?

Temperatures in Ashwater are similar to those across the north-central and eastern United States, with summer highs seldom reaching 100 °F (38 °C) and winter lows rarely dropping below −20 °F (−29 °C)

date_range History
Founding Story - How was Ashwater founded?

Originally a village for the rich to go on retreat, the village's population boomed by the time of 1900 due to two steel mills.

Established Year - When was Ashwater established?


Notable Wars - What notable wars has Ashwater been involved in?

Titan War

folder_open About
edit Notes

This location was created by TiredWriter on

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