info Overview
Name - What is AJ Demyra’s full name?

AJ Demyra

Role - What is AJ Demyra’s role in your story?

Brother figure, literal brother, dead

Other names - What other aliases does AJ Demyra go by?

  • AJ

  • A

  • J

  • Arnav-Jeffrey (when someone is very mad at him)

Gender - What is AJ Demyra’s gender?


Age - How old is AJ Demyra?


face Looks
Weight - How much does AJ Demyra weigh?

Eel: 13.6 lbs

Human: 187.6 lbs

Height - How tall is AJ Demyra?

Eel: no height for eels 2 feet long

Human: 6' 0.32"

Hair Color - What color is AJ Demyra’s hair?

Pure white

Hair Style - How does AJ Demyra style their hair?

Artfully messy

Eye Color - What is AJ Demyra’s eye color?


Race - What is AJ Demyra’s race?

Seafarer (House of Moray)

Skin Tone


Body Type

Athlete's build

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does AJ Demyra have?

  • Pretending to be the golden child

  • Being a good big brother

  • Being funny and punny at just the right times

  • Good sport

Hobbies - What hobbies does AJ Demyra have?

  • Doing handstands at the bottom of the ocean

  • Playing hide-and-seek

  • Reading

date_range History
Birthday - When is AJ Demyra’s birthday?

September 31

Education - What is AJ Demyra’s level of education?

Completed all his Sessions.
(equivalent of graduating highschool)

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does AJ Demyra have?

Guard dog pufferfish

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
accessibility_new Outfit
audiotrack Playlist
all_inclusive Miscellaneous
brush Seafarer Traits
Physical Traits

  • Pharyngeal jaws; a normal set of jaws, then another set further back in his throat, for dragging things back down. Also useful for biting things, then tearing them apart whilst biting them, as well as for eating things far bigger than he is

  • Toxic coat; the toxic slime coat on his skin, about two millimeters of it. Feels like you stuck your hand way too close to a fire when you come into contact with it, and pain intensifies with the duration of the contact. It grows as soon as he steps out of the sea, but only covers his skin; it won't cover his shoes or clothes.


  • Extremely bad eyesight; his sunglasses are to mimic the light of the deep, and are prescription. He sees much better with them on then off. Normal light to him takes her a while to get used to, and it takes a toll on his eyes to focus.

bubble_chart Seaform Animal
What is this character's seaform?

Snowflake moray eel

announcement Death
How does this character die?

So, context before I say how he died: AJ's younger sister and Heir to the House of Moray, Shai Shai Demyra was sent to teh Mainlands. Many things happened, but the general gist is; humans found out that Seafarers existed, and now there's a war/bounty hunt out against/for them.

A group called [insert name once I think of one] is... somewhat manic about the Seafarers. They think of them as scum who are "invading" "their" planet. Their mission is simple: EXTERMINATE SEAFARERS. FOREVER. And Shai has a bit of a history with escaping them...
Oh, and AJ just so happens to be on the Mainlands for once. Little villain brains be going: We steal. Hostage. We win!
But, it didn't work like that. AJ (much to villain's surprise) fought back, and was really good at it. Not good enough, though.
He was killed fighting, and his blood was used to paint a gruesome little picture to welcome Shai to [city].

He was given a proper Viking funeral, and his ashes fertilized a new coral reef.

Character chevron_right Siblings link linked AJ Demyra

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