info Overview
Name - What is Aurora Capra’s full name?

Aurora Capra

Full Name

Aurora Lilium Capra (Currently)


Eos, Auro, Dawn, Lily and many others over the years



Age - How old is Aurora Capra?


Occupation - What is Aurora Capra’s occupation?

Currently, Mayor of Snow Haven


Frost Dragon

Birthday - When is Aurora Capra’s birthday?

1st of June

face Looks
Weight - How much does Aurora Capra weigh?

Approximately 160lbs, last she checked

Height - How tall is Aurora Capra?


Hair Color - What color is Aurora Capra’s hair?

Her natural hair colour is a pale blonde; she currently dyes it with a mix of purples, pinks, and occasional blues.

Hair Style - How does Aurora Capra style their hair?

Artfully kept waves, falling just past her shoulder-blades.

Eye Color - What is Aurora Capra’s eye color?

A piercing blue that sometimes looks as if she has flecks of violet in there.


A large draconic tattoo, the head craning around her front to just above her navel as the bulk of the body and wings sprawl across her back and shoulders.

Body Type

Curvaceous, though with a slight hourglass waist

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Aurora Capra have?

The 'eye' of her dragon tattoo glints azure; her scale rests just above her naval.


Aurora is constantly changing fashions, switching from business attire, to cocktail dresses, to traditional cultural outfits, even to what could charitably be described as salacious slips of cloth. Her current mood favours the first though, if only because she gets less heat from the media about it.

fingerprint Personality
Personality Overview

If you had to describe Aurora with one word, it'd be a tough choice between 'focused' and 'lonely'. To the public, it's the former though, and for her own sake, she is a driven, hard-working individual who will set her sights on something and steer towards it like an immovable force. She enjoys the responsibility, even the pressure, and being the one people turn to is only a plus for her.

But sometimes the pressure is too much, and deep down, Aurora is lonely. She's not a saint, and has had plenty of relationships over the years, even some serious ones, but nothing lasted. Somewhere in her core she just hasn't found the right relationship to click for her - and she's not entirely sure what she wants in that regard either.

So instead she works, and motivates herself with ambition. She genuinely cares for the people she's responsible for, and will do what she believes is in their best interest - sometimes to the point of being self-sacrificing. Yet, because of her empathetic nature, she doesn't see that as a burden, merely what one in her position should be doing.

On a more personal level, not just professional, there are two other values she holds dear; compassion, and trust. The former breathed into her by those who sheltered and taught her in her early years, and the latter developed out of a need for secrecy in her own life and others. If she makes a promise, or someone entrusts her with a secret, she will endeavour to do her absolute best in maintaining the trust involved. That's not to say she's never spilled a secret, or broken a promise - but she will do everything in her power to avoid it.


  • Aurora has a fondness for cats and foxes, having raised many over the years, though none presently

  • Hard work - she respects, and admires those with drive and motivation

  • Experimentation - Aurora strives to try new things, particularly with food

  • Swimming is a favourite hobby of her's, and she uses it to stay in shape

  • Flirting - despite her apparent lack of luck in romance, she loves to flirt and be flirted with

  • Recognition - not just for herself, but for anyone she believes deserves it


  • Prolonged discord - Aurora has a bad habit of wanting to 'fix' things, and prolonged discord makes her antsy

  • Laziness - whilst she accepts not everyone is driven, vehement laziness bothers her more than she'll ever admit

  • Hot weather - she can deal with it, but boy howdy does she prefer the climes in Alaska

  • Constant interruptions - some interruptions are expected, but repeatedly bothering her will tick her off fast

  • Unjust treatment - she accepts it's a current reality, but Aurora has always striven to try and change things for the better where she can

  • Cooking - she's a horrid, horrid cook. It's one of the few things she's tried very hard to learn and for whatever reason, she has never gotten the hang of it


Impossible Work Ethic: Aurora has, over the centuries, built a freaky, frankly unnatural level of efficiency and focus when it comes to her work - she can sit down and blitz through paperwork, settle finances, organise incongruent schedules, even maintain near-perfect script and above-average WPM over hours of writing. So much so that she has never needed a secretary or personal assistant, though she has occasionally hired one to keep appearances.

Empathic: She has a good sense for the emotional atmosphere around her and others. Part of this extends from other abilities, but part of it is simply experience, getting abnormally good at reading people. However, it also impacts her, and it took many a year for Aurora to build the emotional resilience she needed to protect herself.


Drive: It's a double-edged sword. She'll tackle roadblocks like no tomorrow, but if she ends up in a lull it throws her off-track. Similarly, someone can theoretically lead her astray simply by placing enough tasks in front of her, snagging her by all the little things she's interested in.

Idealism: She's pragmatic enough to survive as a modern politician, but at her core, part of Aurora is an idealist, and that idealism is definitively something that others can turn against her.


Pansexual, though she struggles to build proper romances.

Friends & Enemies

Aurora makes friends as easy as breathing, and there's always someone in recent times trying to get on her good side - being a politician sort of makes her a prime target for sycophants or others wanting to bribe her. Still, she's outspoken too, which turns away some potential friends, and even gives rise to some enemies - and as an independent, neither current major political party is on great terms with her.

Strong enemies though, will find she can bear a grudge, and with her drive and patience, it can be a dangerous place to be in. Particularly now that her influence has grown over the past few decades - Aurora is not above systematically destroying someone she thinks deserves it.

Love & Romance

Aurora has had various flings and relationships over the years, but nothing ever felt 'right' to her - for whatever reason, she couldn't sink her heart properly into things, and many took that poorly. It hasn't stopped her looking, and she's still an openly flirtatious woman - it's one of a few reasons she stepped away from higher level politics, and the 'scandals' her sex life brought her were getting tiring.

She believes someone out there, possibly multiple people, will help her find what she wants someday. She just doesn't know what exactly it is yet.

Talents - What talents does Aurora Capra have?

Eidetic Memory: Aurora possesses near-perfect recall. It's partially honed skill, partially a preternatural gift - it has only failed her a handful of times, and usually only in slight ways. Of course, this is complicated by the fact that her age means a lot of memory to sift through, meaning she will occasionally take a moment to 'buffer' as she sorts through older recollections.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Aurora Capra have?

  • Swimming - she, at a minimum, does swimming for exercise every second day. No matter where she is, she finds a way to make it work.

  • Studying - strangely, a hobby of her's is to pick up new bits of knowledge, which means it isn't uncommon to see her reading a book while doing other things. She's gotten pretty good at multi-tasking that way.

all_inclusive Characterisation
Favourite Colour

Purple! And lots of it. She likes blues as well, unsurprisingly, but purple is a large part of her 'personality' as she'd put it.

Accent & Speech Patterns

Currently, her accent is slightly British; as strange as it is, being a politician in the US with a British accent, it's the mild affectation she's held over from a previous lifestyle. She's slowly downplayed it though, and if she really wanted to, it would be gone sooner rather than later - but some people seem to really like it.

groups Relationships
Family Overview

Aurora's parents are both long since dead; her mother was a human, who passed away from rather mundane illness during the 10th century. Her father, a dragon himself, managed to live up until the 15th, where he perished during the fall of Constantinople.

Since then, Aurora has had many people she'd consider loosely as family, the vast majority of which were human - and the ones who weren't, sadly, are mostly no longer alive either. Aurora has outlived many such relations, and it weighs on her quite a lot, even if she doesn't express it often.

Still, she considers some close friends like siblings, and for her, that's enough to get by for now.

Pets - What pets does Aurora Capra have?

Her previous pets are too numerous to name. She currently doesn't have one, but now that she's settling into a more local life in Snow Haven, Aurora is interested.

Fun Family Facts

She was a distant relation to some of the Byzantine Emperors, part of the main branch of the Palaiologos family, yet far enough along the line to never be a concern for succession. Still, it afforded her family some influence, and was one of the reasons she was able to flee to Central Europe before the collapse of the empire.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Aurora Capra’s birthday?

1st of June


Morea, though she hasn't be back in centuries.

Current Residence

Snow Haven

Education - What is Aurora Capra’s level of education?

Over various identities, she's amassed nearly a dozen PHDs, numerous masters, and published or co-published hundreds of papers.

As 'Aurora Capra', her formal education includes a Masters in Geopolitcs & Global Economy, as well as in Communications and Human Resource Management.


  • Most Western and Central European languages

  • All but some of regional dialects in Scandivanian countries

  • Latin

  • Arabic

  • Russian, as well as a few of the Slavic languages

  • Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Malay, and Indonesian; she's still picking up some more of the Asia-Pacific region nowadays

There are others, but these are the most prominent.

History Overview

Born Eos Palaiologos, 'Aurora Capra' is her modern name, and has been for the past 40 something years. To most of the world, she's in her mid-forties, a now-retired Senator for Alaska who opted to move more local in recent years, establishing herself in Snow Haven.

Underneath that though, Aurora has been around for a little over 11 centuries, criss-crossing the globe. She has some contacts ferried away in all corners, though many have long since passed - only a handful were blessed with lifespans like her's.

Currently, she's doing her best to handle the messes that seem to circulate around Snow Haven; the dense supernatural population means drama always happens, and Aurora's habit of wanting to 'fix' things makes her a good fit for trying to keep the Statute upheld.

Still, moving out of the public limelight is a consideration she's making in the next decade, as it becomes more and more obvious, even with extensive makeup work, that her age is a little incongruous with her appearance. For now, she's enjoying herself, and trying to find some more personal reasons to 'retire' before she has to disappear again.

Detailed History

A serious WIP, so here's some cliff notes:

  • Raised in one of the prominent period of the Byzantine Empire, chafing at the expectancies of a woman in her position

  • Learned from her father and close few family friends regarding her nature, and how to control her powers - at least the ones they knew something about

  • Evacuated some years after her mother passed, when times began getting turbulent again in the Balkans

  • Forced to move around Italy, and then lower Austria, as the collapse of the Empire came knocking; she heard about her father's death a few years after it occurred, leaving her mostly stranded

  • Spent much and more of the Renaissance in Italy and France, trying to figure out where and how she'd get by; her skills and drive led to her occupying numerous 'background' positions, power behind powerful figures and the like. It was this timeframe she came into possession of the Crystalys Imperium.
    -Note: She's met Machievelli. The guy's an asshole; smart, cunning, but an asshole.

  • Migrated westwards with some of the later Spanish colonisation, then far East for some time before returning to the Americas

  • Fought in the civil war, in the shadows for the most part

  • Bounced around the US for a good while, eventually coming to enjoy the cooler climes up north

  • Current day life as 'Aurora Capra', her British accent a remnant of her supposed UK-born parents and having spent some time at Oxford

ac_unit Supernatural Information
Species Type

Frost Dragon

Awareness Overview

She's been aware since she was a child, thanks to being born to a draconic father and raised to understand what she is.


  • Like all frost dragons, she has access to the draken magic of ice and cold manipulation, and her breath is a beam of frosted ice. She can use ice elemental magic in human form, but cannot fly nor use her breath.

  • She has latent powers many would attribute to an Esper, but beyond being slightly better at scrutinising emotions in others, it's not focused enough to do anything on its own - with the item she was gifted however, they become more potent

  • Aurora has all the usual powers for her kind, and is notably quite adept in her dragon form, having plenty of experience to back things up even if she hasn't had to fight as often in recent times


Aurora is one of the larger dragons around; 14' tall, 42' long, and with an 84' wingspan, she is an imposing sight in her draconic form. Provided it hasn't been taken from her (which causes some feedback problems for a period thereafter), a single scale on her chest is merged with the Crystalys Imperium, and its use is impossible to hide in that form due to the sheer amount of magic active. As such, it is a weakpoint, and Aurora has learned to protect it viciously.

Her scales themselves shine in the light; a deep, blissful azure, though there sometimes seems like there are flecks of violet between the scales. Frost forms, melts, and re-forms over the scales like a film, without conscious effort from Aurora, though she can manipulate it with effort to act as additional protection.

Magical Items/Artifacts

Crystalys Imperium: A necklace with a finely-cut amethyst star, embedded into a silver shell, with a band of sapphire along the outside. Once upon a time, it would have been considered extremely rare - as amethysts were, prior to the 18th century discovery of deposits in Brazil. Besides the obvious luxury of the jewellery, the necklace is heavily enchanted; firstly, to disguise its nature, even from the majority of supernaturals (though there are still plenty that will sniff it out).

Secondly, it acts as a channel and amplifier; designed and attuned specifically to Aurora, it focuses the latent powers she possesses to make them usable. With it, she has the following abilities at her disposal:

  • She is able to sense the emotions around her, and even manipulate them as if she were an Empath, and has trained to do so over the years. The stronger the wills of those around her, the less impact she has, and the more effort it takes - some individuals she cannot influence at all.

  • To a lesser extent, she can sift through the thoughts of others, though proximity is extremely important, and the impact of an individual's will is far more prominent. For the most part, supernaturals she can only skim surface thoughts from at close range, with only the youngest or weakest-willed allowing her to delve deeper. Humans however, are normally easier, and require strong wills to shut out her probing if they are near her for too long.

  • An extension of the above, she can use telepathy similar to her dragon form, to project onto other and read their thoughts from further afield, but only with people she is highly connected to. She theorises it matters on almost spiritual level how close she is to the person, but it's a part of her powers hasn't developed as much.

  • She can siphon energy from around her; many magic-users can utilise some element of excess energy in the environment, but Aurora excels at it, and can even tap into energy from others but at a miniscule rate. Phages will still put her to shame, but it's enough to make some look at her suspiciously, particularly since she can do it from yards away. However, playing with energy using the necklace is risky - too much can overwhelm her, and too fast can cause damage to the item itself.

There is a danger that she can be force-fed once a connection is open, blasting her with more energy than she can control, and either shattering the item or even outright killing her. As such, she tends to focus on the environment around her, and only feeds directly from living beings when safe or absolutely necessary for survival.

These are only possible whilst she is physically wearing the necklace - just touching it is not enough, it must be worn near her heart to work correctly. When she changes form, the item is charmed to merge with the scales on her chest - a weakpoint, if one can pinpoint it, which she takes especial care to protect.

Anything Extra

Aurora has had multiple interactions with Shadow Knights; both her previous positions and her current one put her in the perfect position to wield influence on their behalf. Seeing as keeping the supernatural world secret aligns with her own beliefs, and it prevents the more... overt situations like Bear River, Aurora is keen to comply.

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