info Overview
Name - What is Zelda Mörder’s full name?

Zelda Mörder

Full Name

Zelda Mörder

Age - How old is Zelda Mörder?







Miranda Otto

face Looks
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Zelda is hundreds of years old, though she doesn't resemble it. She has red hair, green eyes, and a glamorous fashion style that resembles that of an old Hollywood movie star - elegant necklaces, fur, and sunglasses. Her makeup includes pink lipstick and black mascara, and she is regularly seen with her golden cigarette holder.

fingerprint Personality
Personality Overview

She is a glamorous, stern, proud, and sometimes haughty, but still a softhearted unicorn. She's always willing to do the right thing for the people she loves, and even from strangers if it's to protect them from harm.

One of her most defining traits is her maternal soul. Zelda cares deeply for children.

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Family Overview

Zelda is the eldest of three sisters and is the harshest of the trio, though her sternness and tough facade might be hiding a more…mothering soul. Her parents were taken too soon, forcing her to grow up in order to care for her younger siblings. She claims that she has never known love, which is why people looking for a love potion go to one of her younger sisters, and go to her when looking for a spite jar or something of the sort. She is the family’s disciplinarian, fiercely protective of her children, and very much Cain to her little sister's Abel.

She and her youngest sister, Ingrid, have a quite turbulent relationship, with Zelda frequently abusing Ingrid when she is annoyed by her. Despite this, Zelda and Ingrid genuinely love each other. One of her greatest fears is losing Ingrid forever.

Although she has adopted the son of her middle sister, she has two children of her own: Alphonse and Maude. She has no idea that her son is a monster.

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Awareness Overview

The Morder's are an old line of Unicorns that originate from the Scipiones family in the time of ancient Rome. Zelda is a fifth generation descendant from the Scipiones line, and was raised in a part of the world where the line between humans and supes was largely blurred at the time. She has knowledge of most other supes, if not all of them, and has learned early on that she must hide what she is - especially from greedy mages.


Throughout her long life, Zelda has retained a - mostly - moral gray stature and as such, the color of her magic varies depending on the spell and its intent. Spells with the intent to help are cast with an off-white hue whereas spells with malicious intent have a gray or pink hue. Spells that are neither bad nor good are simply a medium gray in color.


Zelda's true form is neither white nor black, but a dark gray with white socks and a black mane. Her alicorn itself is a dull red.

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This character was created by Velika Unleashed on

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