gesture Overview
Name - What is Ceryn Kivorn’s full name?

Ceryn Kivorn

Role - What is Ceryn Kivorn’s role in your story?

Campaigner and Peacekeeper

Name pronunciation

ke-rin ki-vorn


Ceryn isn't actually the given spelling of her name - orignally, she was named Kerin. However, when she left her home planet she changed the spelling to suit herself better and to cut ties with her home and family.

Gender - What is Ceryn Kivorn’s gender?

Female, AFAB, she/her

Age - How old is Ceryn Kivorn?


palette Looks
Height - How tall is Ceryn Kivorn?

159 cm

Hair Color - What color is Ceryn Kivorn’s hair?


Description of hair

Generally wears her heair in a loose plait or low ponytail, so she can wear it as well as a helmet. Mostly straight but a few natural waves.

Face shape

Quite angular, with a sharp chin and defined features.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Ceryn Kivorn have?


Eye Color - What is Ceryn Kivorn’s eye color?


Eyes and eyebrows

Ceryn has grey eyes that are naturally quite circular and wide. Short eyelashes, doesn't wear eye makeup. Her neutral expression makes her look almost concerned.

Nose and mouth

Narrow, thin-bridged and petite.
Points downwards naturally making her look kind of worried even when she isn't. Doesn't smile much, when she does it's quite small, and she smiles with her mouth closed.

Skin Tone

Pale, with a smattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose and cheeks, as well as on the tops of her arms.

Body Type

Roundish. She's quite small and short as well


Ceryn wears Mandalorian armour at the parting request of her sister (see History). Hers is blue and white with a star symbol adorning the shoulders and chest (which she added months after she got it, when she began to like wearing it more).

If she's not wearing her armour (e.g. before she left her planet), she'll wear simple outfits like in the picture on this page:

A typical outfit

Her armour, see the gallery


Holds herself with excellent posture, stands up to her full height in order to make herself seem and feel more confident.

chat Voice
Voice description

Speaks with a slightly posh accent and pronounces things thoroughly as a result of her upbringing in a respectable household and schooling in the royal academy. Her voice is fairly high-pitched and she speaks softly but confidently.

Speech-related mannerisms

Rather than saying 'erm' or something like that she'll carefully consider her words before speaking. It's rare for her to be lost for words as she always has something to say.


She has a practiced, polished laugh that doesn't always sound genuine for when she finds something kind of funny. But if something really makes her laugh, it takes her ages to stop and she'll often sit there silently laughing with tears running down her cheeks.

Accent or dialect

Quite polished and posh-sounding

Languages spoken or understood

Fluent in Galactic Basic and understands and speaks Mando'a well

sentiment_very_satisfied Personality and Nature
Motivations - What motivates Ceryn Kivorn most?

Ceryn wants to change things. She enrolled in the Royal Academy of Government so she could help to bring about a better Mandalore. She dreams of change and being someone who makes life better for others.

Flaws - What flaws does Ceryn Kivorn have?

Ceryn often overestimates people's kindness and willingness to change, overlooking the fact that not everyone thinks change is a good thing. She can also be quite black-and-white in her thinking, and sometimes dislikes people who disagree with her ideas about society.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Ceryn Kivorn have?

Ceryn believes warriors, soldiers, and anyone who practices fighting are violent and bloodthirsty. She's vehemently anti-war, but doesn't really consider the fact that some people don't have a choice, and are drawn into conflict through no fault of their own, or that not every soldier is a bloodthirsty killer.

She would also be very suspicious of any Death Watch member or ex-member, thanks to their part in the ruin of her planet, no matter how much they might have changed or what their reasons for joining the group might have been.

Talents - What talents does Ceryn Kivorn have?

Ceryn is a talented writer and speaker. She writes poems, stories, essays and speeches. At the academy, she liked to imagine that she'd grow up to be a senator for Mandalore or hold a position of government, campaigning to better their world. She loves words and what you can do with them, writing endless stories of imaginary worlds and poems where her thoughts spill out onto the page.

She loves speaking and debating on issues she feels passionate about.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Ceryn Kivorn have?

Writing poems and stories, as stated above. As well as this, Ceryn loves reading about history and politics.

Personality description

Ceryn is determined. When she wants something, she'll work until she makes it happen, devoting all her time into it. Not only that, she's determined to make everyone else like it too. While she isn't the sort of 'solving equations in your head' smart like Evaryx Blyss, she's smart because she works hard until she understands something. She's determined to stay ahead of her workload because she's terrified of falling behind.

She's also passionate and fights for what she believes in - non-violence and social justice. Some people find her relentless quest to persuade you to join her side very annoying.
All the fire and passion that she directs into her politics and speeches can also manifest when she's annoyed. When she's angry, she's not afraid to show it. She will yell at you and let you know exactly what you did wrong until it's not entirely clear whether she's a pacifist or whether she's about to punch you in the face. /j

She's can seem naive and overly optimistic, like Riyah vel Rán, but unlike Riyah, she doesn't truly always believe in her own optimism. Her relentlessly cheerful outlook is increasingly becoming a facade, hiding her anxieties and self-doubts about whether she can really make a difference.



Fears and worries

  • That her efforts will never be enough and that all the work she puts in will ultimately be for nothing

  • That she drives people away by being too annoying

emoji_objects Assorted Facts
Religion - What religion does Ceryn Kivorn practice?

No religion. She also isn't really sure what she thinks of Jedi - knowing little about them, her impression is more 'strange people who can lift objects and read minds'.

Politics - What politics does Ceryn Kivorn have?

Ceryn is a New Mandalorian, and a strong believer and advocate for pacifism and social justice. She idolises Duchess Satine, following the rebuilding of Mandalore. Like all New Mandalorians, she believes it's time to leave the old warrior traditions in the past and move forward.

In terms of the galaxy-wide Clone Wars, she doesn't know much about it, but doesn't want her own planet to get involved - Mandalore is already war-torn enough. Neutrality, she believes, is the best way to keep everyone safe, and as she's a follower of Satine's pacifism, she'd prefer not to take a side in the conflict.

Occupation - What is Ceryn Kivorn’s occupation?

Ceryn was a student at the Royal Academy of Government in Mandalore's capital, Sundari, stuying to take a leading role in the politics of her planet.

Favorite color - What is Ceryn Kivorn’s favorite color?

Light pink

Favorite food - What is Ceryn Kivorn’s favorite food?

Uj'alayi - a cake made with nuts and seeds from her home planet of Mandalore. She adores anything sweet.

Favorite weapon - What is Ceryn Kivorn’s favorite weapon?

Ceryn objects to fighting on principle at the start of Survivors, and doesn't carry a weapon. However, she does use a deactivator against droids, and a blaster set to stun in rare cases of self-defence.

Favourite weather

Sunshine - it's optimistic. When the sun's out, she feels more hopeful.

Favourite places

  • The library at her school, where she's spent long hours reading books and writing speeches.

  • Her sister Phiaba's house. It was her safe space, where she could vent to Phiaba and where her problems never seemed so bad

  • Later, Qili's ship, the Liberty - where she was saved from near death and met her best friends.


  • Talking. A lot

  • People listening to her talking

  • Writing stories

  • Linguistics

  • Sweet foods


  • Shutting up

  • Maths

  • Other people not caring about important problems, not doing enough, or not changing when change needs to happen

  • Violence

date_range Background Information
Education - What is Ceryn Kivorn’s level of education?

Student until the age of 16 at Sundari School and the Royal Academy of Government, training to be a government official in Mandalore.
High achiever with excellent grades, particularly her writing and speaking skills, although also proficient at maths and sciences.

Background - What is Ceryn Kivorn’s background?

Ceryn was born to a rich family on Mandalore, Vred and Karn Kivorn. She had one sibling - her older sister, Phiaba.

While her parents never outwardly supported the Mandalorian traditionalist group Death Watch, they made it clear that they thought the new Duchess' pacifistic ways were disgusting and wrong. They believed Mandalore had to go back to its warrior past, though they never said it in public.

As Ceryn and Phiaba grew up, however, they found herself aligning more and more with the New Mandalorians' peaceful ideals and wanted to be a part of them, changing their planet for the better. Her parents, once realising that this wasn't a phase, made no secret of the fact that they viewed them both as disappointments and expected them to amount to nothing.

When Ceryn was 14, she passed the entrance exam to the Royal Academy of Government - Mandalore's prestigious school for training the best young people to be future leaders of the planet. Her father saw this as the final straw. He offered her an ultimatum: decline her place at the Academy and remain part of the family, or accept her place and be cast out, erased from the Kivorn name, and forgotten.

She chose to accept, and walked away from the family who never really loved her for who she was. She moved in with Phiaba, who was 17 at the time.

In 19BBY, Ceryn woke up to screams and gunfire on the streets outside, and saw gangs terrorising civilians on the streets. Her first thought was that Death Watch must be behind the attacks - they were violent terrorists, after all - but less than a minute later, she watched as a Death Watch soldier appeared and rescued the civilians. Hardly able to understand what was going on, she felt as if everything she'd stood for, fought against and believed was crumbling under her feet. This wasn't right. Death Watch were the bad guys. They had to be.

Barely a minute later, Phiaba burst into Ceryn's room and told her that they had to leave. Blindly following her sister, Ceryn found herself at a ship in a deserted docking bay. Phia told Ceryn that an hour or two ago, she'd received a message from an old friend, who'd long since been missing. The friend was a member of Death Watch, and he told Phiaba that she was in danger and had to leave. Urgently. So she'd frantically bought a ship from a bewildered mechanic in exchange for her savings.

Ceryn wondered how her own sister could have trusted a Death Watch soldier, but she resigned herself to the fact that Phiaba was right - they had to get out of there quickly. Before they left, however, Phiaba took Ceryn to the back of the ship and opened a box: a crate containing Mandalorian armour.

Phia explained that it had belonged in their family for generations, that their parents had kept it in the storeroom, unable to get rid of it but equally unable to wear it proudly in the new Mandalorian society. She'd crept in and taken it that morning, hoping it would give Ceryn protection when she left the planet. Repulsed by the idea of wearing such a well-known symbol of war, Ceryn protested. But Phiaba was insistent, and Ceryn eventually relented.

When Phiaba started explaining the ship's controls, something dawned on Ceryn: her sister wasn't coming with her. Part of her wanted to beg and plead with Phiaba. She didn't want to be alone in the galaxy. She needed her sister with her - how would she survive otherwise? But another part of her knew how futile it would be. Phiaba was her own sister, and she knew how alike the two of them were. Were the roles reversed, Ceryn knew nobody could persuade her to veer away from a path she had already chosen. She - and her sister - were too stubborn and proud for that.

Besides, she could almost understand. Mandalore was going to fall, and Phiaba wanted to do something to stop it.

Ceryn knew she was unlikely to see her sister again. Phiaba told her to fly to somewhere lonely, somewhere she wouldn't be found - at least for a while. Just anywhere far from Mandalore.

The sound of blasterfire grew louder. She gave her sister one last hug and a silent goodbye, launched her ship into the skies and left, watching as the only home she had ever known burned below.

Unable to bear thinking about finding a new permanent place to live just yet, she stopped for a few months on a near-deserted moon, working odd jobs for the place's few inhabitants in order to earn credits. But she couldn't stay there forever, and eventually moved on, scouring the skies for places to stay. Stopping only to refuel and stock up on supplies, Ceryn wandered the galaxy, looking for a home.


Her parents' house (first 14 years of her life)
Phiaba's house (from the age of 14 - 17)

After she left her planet, she had no permanent home but wandered the galaxy - at first alone, but later with Blaze Antilles, Qili Ximilarine, and Riyah vel Rán.

favorite_border Family, Friends and Relationships

Father: Vred Kivorn
It's safe to say Ceryn didn't have the best relationship with either of her parents. Her father thought the warrior ways of the past were far superior to Satine's new government. After living under her rule for several years, he decided Death Watch had a point. The past became twisted in his mind, and he was sure Death Watch were the 'good guys'.
Ceryn, as an aspiring member of the New Mandalorian government, was increasingly seen as a traitor to the family. On the night she was accepted into the Royal Academy of Government, she was offered an ultimatum - attend and turn your back on the family forever, or decline and stay. She left. The decision freed her, but haunted her father until the end of his life. Riddled by unconscious guilt, he slowly deteriorated and turned to alcohol to numb the pain left by his daughter's 'betrayal'.

Mother: Karn Kivorn
Karn and Ceryn rarely spoke or interacted as Ceryn grew up. Karn was always distant and cold, and always took Vred's side in any arguments he had with his daughter.


Older sister: Phiaba Kivorn:
Phiaba was Ceryn's entire world. She meant everything to her. Any problem or worry didn't matter, because Phiaba could fix it - she could fix anything in Ceryn's eyes. Phiaba was the one who allowed Ceryn to escape Mandalore, by buying a ship and stealing a suit of the family armour, but chose to remain on the planet when Ceryn left in order to try to save their home (and maybe she was hoping to see the friend who had tipped her off about the invasion).

Attitude surrounding family

Ceryn had a very close relationship with her sister, but a very distant one from her mother and father. Leaving her parents to move in with Phiaba was the best decision she ever made.

Family-related arcs/subplots

Just before we meet Ceryn in Survivors, she has fled her home planet in a ship given to her by her sister, who stayed behind as she didn't want to leave Mandalore.



Love interests

Qili Ximilarine

Closest friends

Qili Ximilarine:
Qili was the one who took in Ceryn when her ship crashed in the desert. She gave her food, shelter, and most of all, kindness, when Ceryn was at her loneliness and lowest point. In the weeks and months following this, Ceryn and Qili became friends. Despite their personalities being almost opposites - Qili's pessimism and cynical nature versus Ceryn's determination that there is always hope and good - they gurudgingly learned to accept their differences and, though they might not always admit it, would protect the other from any harm.

shopping_basket Inventory
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This character was created by Katie on

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