account_circle Overview
Name - What is Alexandra Kethsinai’s full name?

Alexandra Kethsinai

Other names - What other aliases does Alexandra Kethsinai go by?


Gender - What is Alexandra Kethsinai’s gender?


Age - How old is Alexandra Kethsinai?




face Looks


Hair Color - What color is Alexandra Kethsinai’s hair?

Dark brown

Hair Style - How does Alexandra Kethsinai style their hair?

Over the shoulder

Skin Tone

Moderate brown

Eye Color - What is Alexandra Kethsinai’s eye color?

Pale blue

Tattoos or Scars

Has a bunch of small scars left over from the revolution.

local_mall Outfits

A magenta dress with a v-shaped silver belt. Sleeves drop down to form a wide opening a little past her elbows. She still wears her gray-brown boots from the revolution. ("They're comfortable Evelynne! I'm not trying to impress anyone!")

During the revolution, she wore dark brown pants and an off-white tunic. A magenta cloak held up with a pin of the sunburst symbol of the rebellion. She also has sturdy brown boots and matching arm gaurds

fingerprint Nature
General Personality Traits

Hot-headed, sarcastic, persistent, stubborn, determined, intelligent, arrogant, easy to anger.

Resting Face

A little smile that's almost a smirk. Definitely has an arrogant air to her.

Talents - What talents does Alexandra Kethsinai have?

Amazing public speaker. Also very good at planning and strategy. Good at having beef with anyone and everyone.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Alexandra Kethsinai have?

Likes to write and make maps. Also enjoys adventuring and exploring new places.

Flaws - What flaws does Alexandra Kethsinai have?

Arrogant, stubborn, easy to anger.

groups Social
Formal Title

Advisor Alexandra Kethsinai.

Job - What job does Alexandra Kethsinai have?

Advisor to the king, also in charge of drafting legal documents. Was right hand man to the leader of rebellion back in the day.

Favorite color - What is Alexandra Kethsinai’s favorite color?


Favorite possession - What is Alexandra Kethsinai’s favorite possession?

Her cartography kit.

Favorite animal - What is Alexandra Kethsinai’s favorite animal?

A deer.

device_hub Family
account_balance Culture
bubble_chart Abilites
date_range History
Background - What is Alexandra Kethsinai’s background?

She grew up in the kingdom of Katerria, with her mother, father, and 2 sisters. They weren't extremely wealthy, but had enough to get by. Katerria's curse made it very hard on her though. When she was 7, her mother died of a plague spreading throughout the capital. She had to care for her sisters on her own, and started to get into writing at that point. However, when she was 12, her father died in a hurricane, leaving her with her 2 sisters. She wrote and wrote, until one of her letters finally reached family in Carthanis. She and her sisters moved to Carthanis, and they quickly found their places in this strange new world. When she was 18, she signed on to the Revolution. When they won, she became the advisor to the king, and is still angering people to this day.

Tragedy That Shaped Them

Her mother and father dying.

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
Alexandra Kethsinai appears in the following documents
Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Alexandra Kethsinai

Location chevron_right Residents link linked Alexandra Kethsinai

Character chevron_right Friends link linked Alexandra Kethsinai

This character was created by Amelia on

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