info Overview
Name - What is Ullashel Odessaroe ’s full name?

Ullashel Odessaroe

Role - What is Ullashel Odessaroe ’s role in your story?

The Mechanic

Age - How old is Ullashel Odessaroe ?


Gender - What is Ullashel Odessaroe ’s gender?

Cisgender girl (she/her)

Full Name

Ullashel Lada Odessaroe

Other names - What other aliases does Ullashel Odessaroe go by?

Ulla, Shel


Originally signed on with the government of Wols, but defects.



folder_open Name
First Name


First Name Meaning

Will, Determination (Ulla), Protected Hill (Shel)

First Name Pronunciation


Middle Name


Middle Name Meaning

The Goddess of Beauty, Love, and Marriage

Middle Name Pronunciation




Surname Meaning

Wrathful (Odessa), Rose or Small Deer (Roe)

Surname Pronunciation


face Looks
Race - What is Ullashel Odessaroe ’s race?


Body Type

Not very tall; a bit heavyset, with a mix of muscles and fat. Sturdy.

Weight - How much does Ullashel Odessaroe weigh?

Above average

Skin Tone

Light brown with cool undertones

Height - How tall is Ullashel Odessaroe ?


Hair Color - What color is Ullashel Odessaroe ’s hair?


Eye Color - What is Ullashel Odessaroe ’s eye color?


Hair Style - How does Ullashel Odessaroe style their hair?

Buns or braids, something tied up and out of the way of the work she does.

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Ullashel Odessaroe ?

Ulla is younger than the rest of the cast, and shows it. She's chipper, overeager, and always ready to lend a hand to those who need it. She's incredibly gifted when it comes to mechanical projects, but is kept down by the system she's in. She's a bit naive, and--like other workers her age--is kept in the dark about the more unscrupulous aspects of the government. Despite her affinity for gears and ships, she's more or less regulated to being a coffee girl, something she bears with a strained smile while secretly wishing for more. After befriending the prostitute-turned-revolutionary Kitty Lune , Ulla becomes more aware of the deep flaws and deception within Wols's government and is rapidly disillusioned with it. She turns spy, and begins to slip information out to Kitty, which eventually peaks with her helping to break out a captured Tabitha Meyer from Karlynn Petrarch's clutches.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Ullashel Odessaroe have?

Tends to keep her shoulders tense, especially with under scrutiny. Nods along when people talk to her, even if it's not exactly an appropriate time to do so. Taps her fingers on things when she's otherwise still, be it on her thighs or on a nearby surface.

Skills and Hobbies

Has a natural way with mechanical things, good sense of humor. Although she's not much of a fighter, she can throw a decent punch. A skilled pilot, for her age.

Motivations - What motivates Ullashel Odessaroe most?

To break out of the strict role she's kept in.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Ullashel Odessaroe have?

Fiddling with different little mechanical bits, taking on extra tasks in hopes of rising in the ranks.

Flaws - What flaws does Ullashel Odessaroe have?

Overeager, grating, not good at keeping her emotions in check, naive, initially blindly loyal.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Ullashel Odessaroe have?

Against non-humans, although she unlearns that prejudice after meeting more of them.


Eventually discovers that she has the ability to shoot blasts of energy from her hands and knock her opponents backwards. The violence of this gift initially horrifies her.

groups Social
Favorite possession - What is Ullashel Odessaroe ’s favorite possession?

Her toolkit

Closest Friend
Favorite or Associated Animal


Favorite weapon - What is Ullashel Odessaroe ’s favorite weapon?

Not much of a fighter, but she can throw a solid punch

Occupation - What is Ullashel Odessaroe ’s occupation?

Mechanical Intern at the Prestigious Academy of Wols, although she mostly does odd jobs and coffee deliveries.

Politics - What politics does Ullashel Odessaroe have?

Pretty politically uninformed, at least until she befriends Kitty. Definitely anti-fascist, but she's unsure where she falls besides that.

Favorite or Associated Color

Light blue

Favorite food - What is Ullashel Odessaroe ’s favorite food?

Anything she can eat on-the-go. Bonus points if it's sweet.

info History
Background - What is Ullashel Odessaroe ’s background?

The daughter of Doren Odessaroe and Lada Taor, Ulla had a stable childhood. Her birth mother and her father were not in love--in fact, they had her so that Doren and his husband could raise her, with Lada travelling offworld soon after. Ulla and her fathers got along well, and she soon enrolled in a large and esteemed public school and got decent grades--not anything outstanding, but enough to let her be enrolled in the government's training program. However, she was signed on under false pretenses, with her fathers being told that she was being taken to higher-level classes, when she was instead being taken on as a mechanical intern, which was technically child labor. Ulla didn't mind this turn, unaware of the fact that it was illegal since she'd been told from the start that she was being taken on as a mechanics intern. She was hoping to rise through the ranks there, and was initially disappointed to see that she was essentially just being used as a coffee girl, but she kept a grin on and did her job as expected, secretly hoping for more. One day while doing an errand for her superiors, she ran into Kitty Lune, a former prostitute turned revolutionary, and struck up a conversation. She was soon swayed towards the rebellion as opposed to the Wolsian government, and began work as a spy for them.

Education - What is Ullashel Odessaroe ’s level of education?

Fairly advanced, but only spanning until she was 13.

Birthday - When is Ullashel Odessaroe ’s birthday?

March 9th


Doren Odessaroe and Lada Taor

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Art credit to the djarn's character maker picrew by djarn

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