info Overview
Name - What is Deimos Hruvok’s full name?

Deimos Hruvok

Age - How old is Deimos Hruvok?

Human form - appears to be in his late 20's to early 30's

Actual age - Unknown

Gender - What is Deimos Hruvok’s gender?

Appears to be male

Other names - What other aliases does Deimos Hruvok go by?

Demmy (only by a select few)
Sil'maat (a draconic name meaning Soul Judge)

Forgiven Calamity (Those who see his true form, know exactly the reason he earned this title; more info for this title located in notes)

face Looks
Hair Color - What color is Deimos Hruvok’s hair?

Black with silver streaks

Hair Style - How does Deimos Hruvok style their hair?

Most often his hair is a unkempt mess, texture smooth and almost silky
Length-wise: to his shoulders about, long enough to allow him to put it in a short loose braid if and when he chooses

Eye Color - What is Deimos Hruvok’s eye color?

Silver with red pupils

Skin Tone

Pale white

Body Type

Lithe, lightly muscled
Thinking more of a athletic (runner) build

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Deimos Hruvok have?

Has a pair of long, furry ears that point backwards on either side of his head
They match his hair color, though being completely black without silver streaks

Has sharp canines
Tongue is much longer than it appears

True/Creature Form

In his true form, Deimos is a giant and formidable beast

He seems to keep his human torso, from head to waist, of course in a much larger scale. Though now that fur collar of his jacket seems to have become apart of him around his neck and growing downwards to cover his chest, like a lion's mane. The fur seems to grow out partially past his shoulders and back like a small poncho. The metallic collar seems to remain the same, just having grown in size to fit his monstrous form, the gemstone now shimmering an unearthly red
Growing from his head, a larger, heavier pair of horns curve forward then the tips curve back slightly, they are thicker towards the base, another prong jutting backwards from the pair, becoming thinner and sharper toward the tips. Seemingly in front, another pair of horns upon his head curve back, down, then forwards like a ram's
The hair upon his head is a mess of black with silver streaks, much like human form

Deimos' arms are now seemingly plated in scales. The pattern is seemingly diagonal, pointing downwards towards his hands. Nails are pointed and curved into claws. The bracelet on his right wrist (while in human form) changes, becoming a glowing, silver halo around the wrist

For the more monstrous part of Deimos; where a waist meets a great, serpentine body, a massive maw is in place. Sprouting on either side are powerful limbs, much like a great dragon's forelegs sprawled out on either side. Attached are silver cuffs, what appears to be spiritual chains hang from them. Much like as if he had once had those limbs cuffed together, but then broke the restraints
Adding to the monstrous visage, his body becomes seemingly more serpentine. Long, heavy before becoming thinner towards the end, where his tail ends with bladed prongs on either side.

The fur mentioned earlier runs down his back, a furry ridge running along the serpent's spine, but seeming to taper off halfway down the length of the snake like body. The back and base where human torso meets the monstrous body sharp, shark-like fin spines are evenly spaced
Where the fur ends along the back of the serpent body (halfway), segments of plate armor-like scales (thinking like a centipede body segments) run the rest of the way down the spine. These segments stretch out on the sides, becoming spikes, offering more protection (not that he really needs it)
As for the rest of the serpentine body, beneath the ridge of fur, plate armor, and spines, smooth scales are in place.

Color Scheme:
Eyes - Completely silver with red slit pupils
Hair on his head - black with silver streaks
Fur collar/mane - silver
Horns - Dark metallic silver/gray
Scales - black
Fur ridge - Dark metallic silver/gray
Armor Plates - Dark metallic silver/gray


fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Deimos Hruvok?

Deimos is a soft-spoken individual for the most part
He would rather sit back and observe his surroundings

However, his demeanor can change in an instant when his hunger strikes
As such, the creature will often become more primal, aggressive.

On rare occasions, when struggling with the more monstrous side of himself, it can just become a complete storm of emotions for Deimos

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edit Notes

Name: Deimos Hruvok

Age: Unknown

Gender: Appears to be male



Other Info:
His preferred attire; A black jacket with a fur trimmed collar. Matching the jacket a pair of well used black pants. Worn work boots adorn his feet.
Around his neck is a silver, metallic collar. The clasp of the collar appears to be a strange crimson red gemstone. Around his right wrist is a simple, silver bracelet. Seeming to match the side, in his right ear hangs a pendant earring imbued with several red stones

When out amongst others, always seen wearing a black blindfold, covering his eyes

Forgiven Calamity - Only a very few rare creatures of his kind earn this title, and it is not to be taken lightly.

folder_open Powers/Abilities

__ Human Form __ : Basic explanation; Deimos takes a more human-looking form, so to blend in better with the populace

__ True Form __ : His true form, that he does not often reveal. Only time he really changes when the hunger strikes or he is alone in a comfortable abode of some sort

__ Aura Read __ : With either veiled or unveiled eyes, Deimos as the ability to see a person's soul to speak. Depending on what they have done in their life, and what choices they have made, the aura of a person's soul can be two major colors; black or white
Black Aura - Someone with a black heart. A black aura generally tells Deimos the individual is pure evil or the such. A sinner with a black aura is more often than not a perfect prey item
White Aura - A pure soul that has not been tainted by darkness or sin. Such souls often belong to younger individuals, and are left alone by Deimos, he having no taste for the innocent

__ Terror Eye __ : The main reason he wears a blindfold when amongst others. Deimos' gaze is known to petrify most who meet his gaze into a frozen stupor. This stupor leaves hapless victims to the mercy of the elements, and Deimos.
Another effect, his gaze causes an intense burning to those he sets his eyes upon. For dark souls, the burning sensation is near unbearable, leaving the victim an writhing mess
Those with pure souls will normally only feel a slight tingling sensation

__ Tears of Lucidity __ : Do not be fooled by the name. At times, Deimos may seemingly 'cry' blood. Course, crazed lunatics and cultists thirst after this liquid, thinking it grants them the ability to clear their soul of all sins
It does the complete opposite, corrupting the soul even further. If one indulges too much in this liquid, complete madness to even death occurs

__ Soulsup __ : Sucks the soul out of an unfortunate victim, leaving them nothing more than an empty husk
Able to perform this while in human form and in true form

__ Devour __ : Prefers this method when it comes to cleaning up a mess. Leave no trace behind of the victim. Only able to perform this in his true, monstrous form
Normally, after such a meal, Deimos will seek out somewhere to sleep it off. Depending on the size of the devoured victim, his naps my last from an hour, to several days, to even a few months. Rarely does he devour more than he can handle. To do this, would leave him seeking a sleep that could last years

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